Last seen: Feb 7, 2025
@ernst Thank you Ernst. Will look into that
@ernst So it is kind of about collective destiny too. Thanks for clarifying that. But for the part: "It is the merit we get from dealing with oth...
Since Moon has no enemy, it can be starved only in one situation: When it is conjunct Saturn. The combination mentioned by you, where we have Moon w...
@scoobydoo When Mars starves Saturn, its spending its energy on something which is not one's duty or dharma. Or at simple level, could mean minding ...
Thanks a lot Ernst for all replies
And I believe this principle does not extend to planets conjunct them or their lords in the vargas, (except maybe the Rahu and Ketu specific vargas: D...
Thanks for the input Ernst I’m seeking to know how to evaluate transits to Rahu and Ketu. I recently checked some past marriage events through tra...
@ernst Thank you Ernst Could you also guide on interpreting transits to Rahu and Ketu: Do they give event only for the house cusp join in the...
@ Jarot Ernst considers it to be 5th rasi from lagna. It has to do it being 8th rasi from the 10th rasi and hence is linked with failing to do som...
Yes Ramim Ernst considers astha (combustion) of the rasi chart in all vargas (as you guessed correctly it being a spatial thing)
@tuyetv You are correct technically. The second chapter deals with Longevity and Rasi Dasas. So Rasi dasa course is the one for Chapter 2. Just g...
Hi Please go through the following video courses for Chapter 2: Concrete Chart & Varga Analysis with Jaimini Predicting with Rasi Dasas
Thanks for the input Ernst. Would request you to sometime either create a write up or maybe a video on what foods one can look into while considerin...