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Joined: Apr 9, 2020
Last seen: Aug 4, 2024
Topics: 29 / Replies: 134
RE: 4th/10th Nodal Axis and Parentification

Chiming in to say that I experienced Parentification from a young age. I have Rahu on 4th cusp and Ketu on 10th. Also, like you Francesca, I have Ketu...

2 years ago
RE: Shamed planets with both Rahu and Ketu in the Natal Chart

@ltreboot Thank you for sharing. I do think my client's sister has the potential for having a bad story ending too at the rate things are going. Must ...

2 years ago
RE: Can you improve Uccha, Chesta, Dig Bala?

@tuyetv Yes I agree, much is changeable. I have done it too 🙂

2 years ago
RE: Can you improve Uccha, Chesta, Dig Bala?

@amit Also when it comes to Debilitation - this is the environment that can not be changed as Ernst says. So it would seem that some strength calculat...

2 years ago
RE: Can you improve Uccha, Chesta, Dig Bala?

@amit Thank you. That is great to hear that they can be improved. When Ernst speaks about Uccha and Chesta in the videos as energy reserves it made me...

2 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 539
RE: David Goggins, grittiest man in the world - King of Spades on the Sun card

Been listening to his book on audio! King of Spades energy for sure.

3 years ago
RE: Question For Ernst

Thanks for providing the real life examples. I looked back on my notes and he did not seem to mention it. Robert Camp calls it the millionaire card th...

4 years ago
RE: Question For Ernst

@meyes Yes I feel that energy from it. But Ernst did do a whole example on Lance Armstrong's Birth Spread Cards in which he focused in on the 3 of Hea...

4 years ago
RE: Question For Ernst

@meyes Are you calling the 7 of Diamonds the "millionaire card"? Does Ernst call it that somewhere in his teachings? I don't recall that. I have heard...

4 years ago
RE: Printing

I am not see how to do that. Maybe because I am on a Mac running parallels?

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 955
RE: upapada

"The Upapada is the pada of the rasi that the 10th cusp falls into." Does the Upapada show the results of the 10th cusp? What is it used for?

4 years ago
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