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4th/10th Nodal Axis and Parentification

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Yes I have Ketu in Taurus in the 4th with Venus conjunct Rahu in the 10th in Scorpio.  The ruler of Rahu (Mars) in the 3rd house conjunct the Moon in Aries. My mother had a lot of emotional issues as she was blamed for her sister's death when she was a teenager when she forget to put a porch light on which was supposed to signal her being home. She was killed in an auto accident when the sister's boyfriend went looking for her.  Her father blamed my mother and this trauma eventually sent her into electric shock treatments. So you could say I had to take care of her emotionally but I was also subject to blame for all kinds of things following her divorce from my father and remarriage. I basically left home around 17. It was not a fun period and I imagine Rahu was trying to get me to be independent of that 4th house dysfunction.  Also interesting is that Venus also rules my 9th house (both Venus and the Nodes are yogakaraka). My father, who I bounced back and forth to over those years, died in my 44th year - when Rahu matured. So I'm pretty sure that played into it as well since at that time I went into a panic attack as I felt totally on my own and without any further work to do with my father. 

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Thank you for sharing your experience. It sounds quite painful, so I was hesitant to like the post. But I did because it's so pertinent and a great example of the placement. I definitely relate to many things you write. Please know you are not alone. Hugs and empathy 

Yogesh Lohra
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@francesca-2 this is so profound observation and it is very true to share example  even my wife has Ke/Ra on 4/10 axis and Ke conjunct Mo in Aquarius  and she is the  eldest amongst siblings  and since childhood she has been given quite a responsible role of taking care of her 3 younger siblings when they were small and also other household matters and being a constant help to her mother and family overall  and still she gets involved in their adult life's 🙂 and at times it becomes very emotionally challenging for her. Notably  she too ran the Ra dasha 

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@yogesh Wow, it's so interesting to read about the similarities and parallels, especially since she also ran Ra dasha. It really drives home the point of how similar themes play out with this nodal axis. Thank you so much for sharing!

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I have enjoyed the thread. I have something in common according to my chart with everyone in the thread. Just enough to empathize and see a little of myself in the thread. 

I hate to see people in pain I find myself trying to either cheer people-up or offer advice. I have no real advice but to find balance any and everyway that you can. Understanding Rahu & Ketu seems to be the best way to understand what ails me. Since I'm in a moon (3rd house) dasa that is conjunct Rahu, I will have to seriously take my own advice. 


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Chiming in to say that I experienced Parentification from a young age. I have Rahu on 4th cusp and Ketu on 10th. Also, like you Francesca, I have Ketu's lord conjunct Rahu. Your theory is definitely onto something!

The 4/10 axis really can have intense mom stuff. My friend has Rahu on 10th cusp/Ketu on 4th cusp and she is in Rahu maturation right now. Her mom abandoned her at a young age for her spiritual path and justified it because she felt following her spiritual path was more important than raising children. My friend had to learn to take care of herself.

When she was an adult my friend became a devotee of her mother and joined her spiritual group. But then recently at Rahu maturation the veil of illusion was suddenly lifted from my friends eyes and she realized her mother was a fake spiritual teacher and my friend saw she was actually in a cult being deeply manipulated by her mother! She is currently extracting herself from the situation in a very extreme Rahu Maturation fashion. She never allowed herself to be angry for being abandoned and it is all coming up now. (Saturn is also shaming the Moon w/Rahu so this ads to the pain.)

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@rhiannon Thank you so much for sharing. That is a really extreme example of parentification and this axis. I wish everyone with this placement healing and peace!

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