Snake Bite
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Snake Bite

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Leah T
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Two nights ago the eve of the full moon, I was bit by a small non-venomous snake on my right index finger. I was removing him from the hen house, in the dark due to the lack of light and need to accomplish the task, I did not get the usual protective gloves and flashlight.  When I grabbed him he retaliated with a bite and constricting around my arm and wrist. He was relocated. I suffered a minor abrasion and bruise. On a side note, the bite saddled an old scar that I had from a childhood incident requiring stitches on that finger. Any thoughts on this?

🙂 LT

8 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
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snake omens are about suppressed energy so to get bitten by a snake means to examine where one is suppressing their energy. We are all suppressing our energy on some level until we become enlightened, and times come where we are ready to get in touch with that and heal that, at that point a snake may show up to say, HEY, ITS TIME! As it bit you on an old scar, I would suggest reexamining the incident that caused that scar as that incident may have left some trauma that caused a suppression of your energy.  

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@lft Do you remember how old you were when the injury happened?

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Leah T
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@manisha Around 4 or 5 years old. An older sibling accidentally slammed my hand in a car door. He stayed with me the whole time, while I was getting stitched up.


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As Ernst mentioned, snakes are about suppressed energy, which means that it is also energy that is as yet untapped.

Hens are nurturing and mothering by nature and very territorial. The index finger is the finger for Venus and Moon. We use the index finger for pointing at issues (blame), pointing at ourselves (guilt), and pointing out a direction (leadership skills).

The right side of our body is the yang side, and is outwardly directed. It is the part of us that takes action in the concrete world. The forearm and wrist directs action on to the hand and fingers. Having the snake constrict the forearm and the wrist implies that there might be the desire to bring forth an action, but something unconscious is holding a person back. A snake biting the right index finger could be indicative of something emotional that is holding a person back from being who they really are.

As Ernst suggested, re-examining the incident that caused the scar would help. Being 5 years old is too young to process the incident in its entirety, and there might be some residue of pain left from it that needs to be released.

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Leah T
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@manisha I have been considering the response from Ernst and you with full attention.  I wanted to better understand the idea of Suppression vs Repression, from what I can tell suppression is usually a conscience exclusion of painful thoughts. Repression would be the unconscious exclusion of painful thoughts. Both suppression and repression can result in depression, and the cycle starts over...  I can definitely relate the concerns of mothering and nurturing to my personal "guilt" and "blame" as well as the Moon and given the current transits it makes sense that this is what the universe is pointing too.

As you mentioned I was very young and barely remember the incident from my youth. I am slightly stuck on Venus, as far as how it relates so here is a theory; Venus rules my 4th and 11th, Venus sits in my 3rd house, body part: arms and hands and the original scar was caused by a sibling,also 3rd house. It was the eldest sibling, Venus rules the 11th.  As far as leadership skills and pointing the way, hmm... 3rd house is the house of "Self Will", and Venus is DB in my 3rd not technically starved but not fully an adult - operating as an adolescent?

The sibling referenced is my favorite, we have some interesting planetary connections. He faced a serious form of cancer this year.  He appears to have conquered the foe for now, my concerns about this were somewhat suppressed, simply because he and his wife wanted to remain "Positive". I was able to let him know that I loved him and cared for him, and hoped and prayed for a full recovery.  If I get a chance, I will ask him if he recalls the incident, maybe he can shed more light on it for me.  

Thank you for your thoughts, as always I do my best to see and hear what is offered by God, Nature and Friends.

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@lft  A thought crossed my mind, so putting it out there.

Have you, by any chance, unconsciously, associated your older brother’s attempt at looking after you (mothering) with pain? Could it be that because of that association, every time you attempt to nurture something, it does not work out and causes you pain?

2 Replies
Leah T
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@manisha Does not immediately ring as a core issue, something is percolating just not sure what it is. I do not really experience mother as a "nurturer" but more restrictive/authoritarian. Surely there is a 4 of Diamonds with a wonderful nurturing mother, not me. She was not a "demon" just more functional not warm. Hey, but DEFINITELY could point the finger!

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@lft  That’s ok. I just reacted to the information you gave out. You know your life better. But now you understand how associations work. It is not just the incident, but all the little things that happen leading up to the incident and all the little things that lead away from the incident that tie in with the incident. Most of the times, we only think about the main highlight, but not the times surrounding it. Your elder sibling might have his own scar because of it too.

Percolating is good. Sometimes it takes time for it all to come to the surface. This year it took me around 5 months to resolve an issue within myself.
