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Questions about sparrow-like birds and crows omens

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Hi enthusiastic astrologers,


I come across two possible animal omens, I would like you to explain the meaning to me with thanks ???? .


The first omen is that I saw two small-sparrow-like birds flew together. It was around lunch time, my friend and I were having lunch at the university cafeteria, I saw the birds flew onto the table which caught my attention. Since 3 years in university, that was the first time I saw 2 birds flew onto the table like this. What is the possible meaning? My friend & I just meet at university after months of lockdown.


The second omen is about a crow. I would go & meet my friend to hangout at his place until tomorrow afternoon. While waiting alone on a bench at the train station, I notice a crow flies & sits on a string under the station roof. It keeps make sound continuously for around 5 minutes then flying away. Although there are lots of crows in Kuala Lumpur, this is the first time I see such a crow makes sound for that long. Can it relate to my hangout with the friend?


Thank you.

Tuan Nguyen

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What we see around us is a reflection of what is happening inside of us. Most of the times we are distracted or self-absorbed and miss out on seeing it.

With regards to the sparrows, it could be a reflection of your own situation - two hard-working, diligent people coming together at a table to interact with each other and find both physical and emotional nourishment.

With respect to the crow, were you thinking of all the things you wanted to discuss with your friend? Or did your friend end up doing most of the talking? Or did something happen during your hangout that led you to a new thought or idea?

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Posts: 12

@manisha Thank you for the insights. They are amazing correct

Sparrow birds: I'm happy to meet my friends after nearly 2 months of living alone with minimum human interaction due to cov19.

Crows: Actually my mind is all about applying for jobs after my grad in September. I could not enjoy the hangout fully because of that.

I'll take note about these meaning.

Tuan Nguyen

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Posts: 628

@tuannguyen  The crow is an intelligent bird associated with mysticism and is said to bring messages from ancestors. It looks like the crow represented your mind full of thoughts, and that you are on the threshold of a breakthrough in life. If you can remember what you were thinking about, you might find some insights and perhaps the right path.

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I heard once that a dead Cardinal met death in your home or near.  I never thought much of it until I backed my car into a parking place in the driveway to unload groceries.  After doing this I got back into the car but forgot the key fob and had to get back out to retrieve it in the house.  As I looked down to step out of the car there was a recently dead Cardinal lying right where I would have walked had I not looked down.  I carried the dead bird off to the side out of the way.  Within days I heard of my brothers death.  Soon after that I found a Cardinals head lying on the patio.  We have no cats but I did have a dog.  She took no interest in birds.  I was on pins and needles the rest of the year waiting on something to happen.  December 31st I had to put the very best dog I ever had down due to cancer.  Cardinals are definitely a bad omen for me.
