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need help with this chart about having an accident.

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hello Ernst and everyone, 

19th october 1987 kolkata india. 14:37

this is the data for a chart. an astrologer has predicted that triggering her love life will cause her to have and accident. person has asked whether they will have an accident. there are 3 planets in the 8h and I thought that was something to pay attention to, but i'm not sure what to tell the person. 

thanks for any help. 



5 Replies
Amit Bhat
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8th and 9th house exchange indicates problems with 9th house things like marriage and Venus is involved too here. But for Pisces lagna, Mars and Jupiter are forming yogas which can be a saving grace. In Rahu dasha, Ra gives the yoga effects of Jupiter, so that should help.

In D7, 7th cusp joined with sa and ra can show separation of partner (perhaps already happened in Ra/Saturn?) but adult mars is saving it or manifesting a partner too by rasi aspect ( can happen in ra/ma). 7th pada has moon in it which is can attract him to a partner having nice moon)

In D9, Venus is good in its own sign and manifested by mercury though joined to 12th cusp of expenses or losses. 9th pada again here having moon in MT and manifesting the 5th lord Sun. Ra/Sun could be a good period. Rahu in 8th rasi shows some instability though in its dasha.

In D30, perhaps some unfortunate thing happened in the context of 9th cusp (possibly marriage) in Ra/Saturn and that's the cause of this question? Accident thing needs more detailed analysis though i couldn't find much yet but if accident is fated, no matter where a person hides, may not be able to save himself except through grace of God earned through spiritual merit. 

So, overall has some very good and very bad things revolving around partner and marriage. And in Rahu dasha, the person looks perplexed as life becomes a mystery to solve.

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thank you amit. 

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would anyone be able to suggest what kind of remedy you would give this person, to help with averting or reducing the effects of the accident. 

thank you 


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@rimasahdev  Sun and Mars are both ashamed and with Ketu. The 3rd and 8th house cusps are involved in the sign of Venus. The problem the person will face will be about their self-esteem and inflexibility. They do have 5 planets delighted, but how much are they focused on the delight? If you are taking the Avasthas course, you might find more information there to help the person.

Is the person already with a partner?

The internal world translates into the external. If the person is helped to overcome their self-esteem problems and look at their achievements in a positive light, they might be able to relax a bit, thus averting any mishaps.

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thank you manisha 
