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Quick question about Kalasarpa yoga and Nauka yoga

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Hey all, I'm working on a reading right now and would really appreciate your help. It's an interesting chart, with some very strong indications particularly for financial success, with several success-producing yogas but also one Kemadruma yoga (Rahu and Ketu without other planets in the 12th and 6th for a Scorpio lagna - we count reverse). So as suggested from the Jaimini course, I'm tampering down my predictions for success somewhat. 
My questions are about two yogas:

- all planets are in the first 6 rasis from lagna - from the Longevity yogas classes I know this is a factor contributing to long life. Now Ernst mentions about this combination that it's unfortunately not conducive to a very happy or fulfilling life usually. Nauka yoga from the Akritis is when all visible planets are in the first 7 houses which makes a person too sensitive and emotionally needy. Is this what Ernst was referring to when mentioning the lack of happiness side effect of this yoga or is there something else specifically relating to the first 6 rather than first 7 signs?
- Kalasarpa yoga - all planets are between Rahu and Ketu however I'm not sure if I am counting in the right direction. Rahu is in the 12th, Ketu in the 6th, but the nodes are always retrograde - does this mean all planets are moving towards Rahu then in this case?

Thank you!

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You can also see it as all the houses between Rahu and Ketu is empty on one side. That´s Kalasarpa, no matter the direction of the planets or counting. Now - if Rahu is moving towards the planets, it´s more about having new experiences - wild, possibly - and if it´s Rahu that is moving towards the planet, then you are here to finish things.

That´s my understanding.

Can´t help you with the other one, except for that it any case it seems clear: both yogas create emotional attachment and unhappiness.


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Posts: 142

@staffan oh yeah it's definitely Kalasarpa, just wanted to confirm which one it is - Rahu or Ketu. Now that you reminded me that it's about what Rahu/Ketu is moving towards rather than which node the planets are moving towards, I'm realizing it's actually a Ketu yoga. (Ketu in 6th, all other planets between 1st and 5th). Thanks!
