Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
This is because Dhata is the first Aditya, rather than Aryamaa. This moves the squares one over. I can't wait for Ernst to publish his course o...
My understanding is that JD Avasthas only help you understand the level of effect an Avastha has. Take for instance Saturn starving moon, in two diffe...
and 60 is the highest ? Anything under 40 and its not worth mentioning? And that is Parashari, yes? Thank you btw
the ace of spades also relates to the moon card in the major arcana.
Hey Kam, Thanks for the reply, but I'm afraid that isn't so. Or at least its not what I'm talking about. Ernst talks about 5 meaning "averted", and ...
I see. VJ does not say it is fixed at Dhanistha, but it stands to reason that it was meant this way, given the context. Thanks for the clarification, ...
I suppose my real question is: how do we know Vedgana Jyotisha is advocating for a Tropical Ayanamsa centered on Dhanishtha at the winder solstice? A...
Thank you for the reply, Ernst! Just to be clear, the Vedanga Jyotisha appears to advocate for tropical nakshatras? Albeit one pada off the Ayanamsa a...