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Jaimini with/out dasha analysis

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Hi Ernst and All,

I am redoing Jaimini courses and would like to do "who you are" kind of readings.

My question is, is it possible to do in-depth and accurate readings, without looking at dashas (vimshottati, transits, jaimini dashas) at all? So what are the limits of these self-knowledge readings, is it possible to give good interpretations without dasha analysis? Are there some effects that are activated only in the dasha? 

Lets say I would like to do a reading on talents of the person, who would like to change job. Can I just do the jaimini techniques, and I will be accurate? Or i may mess things up as the dasha that would activate the effect will come at the age of 90, so it does not make sense for the person to give up his/her regular job for his/her passion? (Just an example.) 

I havent done any predictive course so I am a bit confused how these dashas work, what are the permament aspects of a chart reading and what factors are dasha dependent. (Of course day will come when i dive into predictive stuff, but for now i am more interested in psychological and self-knowledge readings.)

Many thanks for your insights!



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Ernst Wilhelm
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Its very helpful for people to get a who they are reading. You can simply say, these are things you will do this lifetime, you dont need to time it or use dasas. The best way is if you say the things before they ask the question, so if you look and you say, you will do music, its much better than them asking, will i do music, and you say yes. 

Its very validating for a person to hear information about something they want to do or be, and often helps them do what they know they need to do but haven't done for themselves, but its more powerful if you say it before they ask. 

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Thank you, so dashas in this sense should not bother me. Saying "this lifetime" should be in most cases enough, once the idea/skills of the person is validated. Definitely it has more power when they hear it before they ask.

I am looking forward to diving again into your wonderful Jaimini courses. 🙂


P.s. I dont know why this question was posted under topic Astronomy, I wanted to post it under Jaimini...

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I learned a ton "about me" with Jaimini without looking into dasa at all. That being said, am currently diving into the Jaimini career stuff (audio course) and I find it pretty straightforward to narrow down the dasa the person is in. "Predicting career" and "Subtleties of career determination" manuals are great tool to use along the audios, and it's especially useful when someone has a lot of career planets and potential (helps narrow it down to the period they are in).   

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Yes, Jaimini is a fascinating method. I listened to it a few years ago, but I did not take proper notes and practised it so now I need to redo the course with more attention and then test it.

I am also now getting most interested in finding out talents and carreer path of people. And it seems there is more and more request on this, especially from people in their 40s, midlife crises, who are considering to do a carreer shift.

This is I think quite tough, at least until you gain some routine, but definitely also lots of fun.

And thank you again for answering my question. I dont know if you are that active that you anwer every question that is posted here, but I can remember, whenever I asked a question on this forum you have always shared your insights. (3 or 4 times, not many, but i am getting more and more active also here, as I am taking my studies on astrology more seriously in the past few months.) Or we may share similar interests. Anyway, thank you. 🙂 <3 

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@agnesbarna Haha, I am far from being able to answer every question on the forum but, whenever I can pitch in and not say something stupid, am always happy to jump in ???? 

Totally agree re: career stuff. I find it very important and useful, also for young adults before they head out to college, it can help a lot. Am getting my own consult with Karen White in September (she's studied with Ernst and one of her specialties is Jaimini for career). Much easier to have someone else look at your own chart sometimes and it'll also be a great learning experience for me. 

Happy note taking (definitely useful with astrology!)

Thanks for your words.

