An interesting thought came to my mind. I heard you say that after 60 years of her birth, all the planets would be in the same position as they were during her birth. ChatGPT says it takes 348 years, but either way, even if 60 years or 340 years is true, then why don't the person born during those specific exact planetary position time have the same life? Like, even if we count the development of the world, do they go through the same life circumstances? But we don't see such successful people or intelligent people in those same distance periods? And if we say that this difference between them is the Varga charts, then even for milliseconds, even those charts will align. And if we say the difference is their birthplace, then aren't we just splitting the hairs? Could there be any truth to this theory? Or do you know something about this?
In Chinese astrology every 60 years the planetary combination is the same again. I was born when my grandma was 60 so we share the same sign combination. We have some similarities but also some differences too. I find that we have many same characteristics as people
I have identical twin cousins who were born a few minutes apart and their lives are same but different. One is married with kids good relationship life and the other one is divorced with kids. I think Ernst has twins too so he could chime in...
Some people call this the Eternal Return.
I guess the reason things don't repeat in exactly the same way every 60 years is that it's only at the Rasi chart level(D1) things are repeating, but at finer levels, i.e. higher order vargas(eg: D60) things don't repeat, and to exact values will never repeat.
Ernst mentions in a youtube conversation with Ryan Kurczak on Shastiamsa that the reason twins end up having different lives is because something or other changes in higher order vargas like D60, which ends up creating a different life at a concrete level as time goes on.
I think never ever will the planets come in the exact same orientation to the minutest fraction of a degree. They will in terms of signs and degrees, but never exactly the same. Even D60 might start repeating every X thousand years, but then D480 would not(hope I conveyed the point) and so on. If God is infinite, then never repeating the exact same orientation of planets in His creation is a manifestation/expression of his Infiniteness. That's why it's said never will two people will ever be the same, nor civilization will exactly be the same even when the Yugas repeat in their next cycles every 26000 years.
yes, every 60 years the planetary positions repeat. THere are astrologers in India with books that have every chart possible from this with results, but no vargas, so how accurate is it? Not so much. I had mine done, three wives, money not going well, wandering and poverty, success at career and spiritual life. Still waiting for those 2 wives, money has been successful, success at career and spiritual life though not in the way I imagined, no wandering in poverty though it sounds very attractive and I read Saint Francis, so still hoping for that someday too, haha. But still thinking of too many astro things to teach so here I am, not wandering, and not poor. So at 54 going on 55, 2 of the 5 things have happened.