Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
In my experience, that holds true more or less. Not all Moon/Rahu are mediums of course, but many I've worked with have this combo. You can also resea...
He said he would start the Aditya class in a couple of months. Where are you getting 18 years from now? He said 18 years ago he switched from Sidereal...
Yep, Mercury is the act of traveling/commuting but not the vehicle. The third house is the act of traveling/commuting. Saturn in the third, third lord...
@nkan Thank you for your input! The native has extreme paranoia which does have a lot to do with the Moon/Mercury conjunction and a form of mild sch...
Wouldn't this be a similar effect of an eclipse? Like giving something surprising and unexpected with Mars. And since it is an eclipse effect, it last...
Here is another diagnosed with ADHD from an early age, with the Saturn/Sun conjunction: 10 December 1985 @ 7:12am, Selfoss, Iceland. This person get...
@giordanobruno Rahu is conjunct the Sun in the COT because it is in Tropical Virgo and the Sun is in Tropical Gemini and both are ruled by Mercury. Th...
It looks as if you chose Sidereal for your Natal Chart. If you are born on June 8, the Sun is in Tropical Gemini. The CoT are Tropical Positions and ...
@manisha The 6th house & lord for adversities/enemies, The 12th house & lord for results of enemies actions against you, Saturn. I would look...
It can have to do with the New Moon on 30 Dec and the impact to traveling from that chart when using the NM as the Ascendant. Travel in general become...
Venus, Mars, 4th cusp & lord, 8th cusp & lord. My husband just had a car accident and all of these factors came into play with different types...
Some people call this the Eternal Return.
It makes them pessimistic, closed off to new things and they usually reject new ideas outright but personally, have not found it to cause depression.
It can always affect both as well.
See if the eclipse conjoins father planets or houses in the D12 or career planets or houses in the D10. Use the D12/D10 divisions of the eclipse.