Although I haven't done a research I know there some cases where the conjunction of Rahu-Moon can give to the person a high level of mediumnity capacity. If so, it's interesting how it is connected to the Child Mind. And more often to women.
Does it also Rahu in Cancer?
I know a person with it. She has also Mars, Venus and Neptune in Scorpio. Moon in Sag. Jupiter in Aries.
In my experience, that holds true more or less. Not all Moon/Rahu are mediums of course, but many I've worked with have this combo. You can also research it on Astro.com. Just put 'mediums' in the search field.
Also had a close friend with Rahu/Moon and she was not a medium per se, but she could 'see dead people' and hear them too.
I can confirm this from nearby experience.