Theory on both zodi...
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Theory on both zodiac, moon exaltation, sun exaltation.

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The Moon in Rasi Sandhi is exactly opposed Mars in Rashi Sandhi.  I've heard Vic Dicara make a big deal about Rashi Sandhi, but never heard Ernst mention it.  Vic speaks as if it is a severely debilitating position.  I'm tempted to make another thread about Rashi Sandhi, but I'll start here.

I know classical Hellenistic astrologers find it to be significant, but with little clear interpretation.

Looking at this chart it's rather tempting to see it as a significant affliction.

Can anyone back this up?

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@Lorris Haven't seen this addressed yet, but her Lagna is in Mula (Ketu ruled), always challenging and potentially destructive, then her AK Venus is with Rahu and in Leo, so starved and with eighth house cusp and Sun is eighth from lagna, rashi aspected by Ketu, giving a suite of death related influences.  Saturn seems to be stronger than Jupiter so in the contest for influences to Moon, Saturn wins.  Both Moon and Jupiter are in Ketu ruled nakshastras (Aswini/healing) and Ketu is in Saturn ruled Aquarius.  Do you see any confluence between Ketu being in Sravana (cripples) and its lord in the 6th house in a Lord of Death nakshatra, Bharani, and with two planets denoting healing?  Is this painting a picture of her thinking that death is an answer, a healing?

Her AK Venus is also low in Kaala bala and Dig Bala, so she can't direct her life according to the planetary energy (low Dig) and she also doesn't get enough chances (low Kaala).  then it's with Rahu sowing confusion.  Moon is dark and with Saturn and she was born on the tithi of Saturn, an urga, fierce tithi.  So yes, Moon is exalted, but dark.

I once was hiking in the mountains in Southern Oregon, USA and there was a group of people being lead on a horseback excursion.  I was curious as to how they were organized and so I asked some questions to the leader.  they told me it was a program for troubled youth to get them to relate to horses and go off into nature and camp in the mountains.  they said it was quite effective.  With Saturn in the 6th and Jupiter and Moon in Aswini, then Lagna in Sagittarius, (Leo also rules mountain forest places) perhaps there would be a healing relating to horses and in nature, particularly mountains.  


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