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Alternatives to Bach Flowers

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The health food shop near me stopped selling Bach Flowers. They had a local product called Australian Bush Flowers. I have only been taking it for a few days, but I find it is quite potent. On a sensitive level, I find the Bach Flowers slid under the skin, so to speak. I found the Australian Bush Flowers packed a punch 😀, or maybe it was just the remedy I was taking and I needed the punch.

Recently, while trying to find Bach Flowers in India, I came across some Bach Flowers that did not look authentic, but since they use the same name, I wonder if they are more diluted than the regular ones.

I also came across a couple other Flower Remedies on the internet. I wonder if anyone else has tried something other than Bach Flowers and their experience with it.

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Hi Manisha,

I believe that Amit uses Australian Bush Flowers and from what I understand, he also had the same experience. I use (and swear by) therapeutic grade essential oils. I feel that the oils give a better outcome and are more powerful, but that's not to say that Bach Flowers don't have their place. They're working on different things and if we use the optimal combination for the individual then they work really well too. 

I'll see if I try the Australian Bush Flowers too at some point. Thanks for sharing your experience. 

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@suzanstars Thanks for replying.

Are the essential oils you are talking about, ingested, or are they used externally in a burner/diffuser/massage/topically? I have used essential oils in a burner a long time ago, but I wasn't paying much attention then. I still have a few left and a mixing chart somewhere. I'll give it a try in a burner again and pay more attention this time.

You mentioned that the oils and Bach Flowers work on different things. Could you expand on that, please.

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@manisha my preferred method using the oils is ingesting them sublingually and topically because I want them to go into my bloodstream quickly since I use them medicinally. I usually take a couple/few drops and keep them under my tongue, so they absorb fast right into the blood. For example, I had symptoms of indigestion late last night that woke me up. I immediately took three drops of a digestion blend sublingually and the relief was pretty instantaneous. I also rubbed a bit in and around my bellybutton. I've been working with oils for several years now. So, that's why I can use them and speak of them the way I do. 

Some people ingest the oils in a vegetable capsule, but I don't like that method personally because then they're going into the digestive tract, which means it will be slower to absorb since your body will first digest them and then they'll be introduced into the bloodstream. I like fast and efficient results. An interesting astrological connection with oils is having something prominent in Rohini. I happen to have Mercury in Rohini, so I naturally have been drawn to study oils from quite young. People with a good/delighted Graha in Rohini will work really well with oils generally speaking. However, if a Graha is afflicted in Rohini, I have seen them to be drawn to oils but have faulty judgment when using them believing they are using the right ones when it wasn't true. Obviously, there are other things in the chart to be considered. But that's an interesting connection that I have come across through the years. 

The oils are different than the Bach Flowers because the Bach Flowers only work on an energetic/emotional level, whereas the oils work on the same and on a physical level. Since they are working on our own physical bodies' chemistry, there is no oil that will work the same on everyone. The rule of thumb is if you use a therapeutic grade essential oil, and you don't feel a difference within 10 minutes then it's the wrong oil for what you need. Then you would try something else until you find what your body needs. That's how I've discovered what oils are going to work optimally for my own body. Another method people use for finding the right oils to use is through muscle testing. You can even use a pendulum to find the best oil to use because muscle testing and using a pendulum are basically reaching into your subconscious for the information. They're called essential oils because we're literally taking the essence of the plant, flower, root, shrub in a pure form into our own essence to work synergistically. The right combination of the oil's chemistry with our own chemistry works miracles in my honest opinion. However, not all oils are created equally that's why I want to highlight the "therapeutic grade" pure essence because unfortunately many are doctored with other things. Trying to use oils that you can easily get from the store isn't helpful for health purposes and in fact mainly may have negative results. I learned this slowly and the hard way when I first started exploring oils for aromatherapy. It has helped me tremendously finding a company that I researched and trust in how they source their oils. So, to summarize, the Bach Flowers are very light and won't harm because they are purely working on an energetic level. The correct therapeutic grade essential oils can help and support the body physically heal as well as using them for mental/emotional/energetic healing. 

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@suzanstars Thanks for the detailed reply, Suzan. The only essential oils that I am aware of to ingest sublingually are the Doterra. Are you using those, or if another brand, which one do you use? I liked the concept behind it, but wasn't quite sure if Doterra was the right one for me, so never tried them.

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@manisha I know what you mean. I went through similar. Although some of my friends use and sell DoTerra (and I've also used them), I decided to go with Young Living in 2017 and even became a Brand Partner.

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@suzanstars Thanks, Suzan. I'll keep it in mind next time I want to try something new.

Amit Bhat
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Yes, Australian bush essences are super powerful. 

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@amit Where do you buy these from in India? Have you found a local brand for them in India, similar to local brands for Bach Flowers? Which local brand do you prefer for both Bach and Australian Bush Flowers in India?


Amit Bhat
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I am in UK these days, you may not find them easily in India. Mostly you will need to get them imported 

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@amit Thanks. When you were in India, did you try the different branded Bach Flowers, and what was your experience with them?

Amit Bhat
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I tried bach flowers by new life for many years. They are good but I was looking to fix bad LAs and with quick results. So using Australian bush essences from few years and indeed angels have manifested themselves as these.

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Did you take the New Life Bach Flowers with the same dosage as recommended by Dr. Edward Bach? I couldn’t find any information with regards to dosage.

Amit Bhat
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I took like how Ernst told which I think is same as what Dr Bach told.

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Ok, thanks.

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@amit Thanks for sharing your experience. If its okay to ask, how would you quantify the changes - was it like you are at peace w/ yourself and/or started making better choices / could hear your inner voice more clearly?

I am going through a round of bach flowers, it is good and I am able to feel my emotions better now and can even name them. But I hear you on the australian ones and I am thinking of upgrading to them soon. How soon where you able to feel the changes? thx 

Amit Bhat
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In short, helps to bring back emotional balance quickly but that also depends on how much pathology needed to be healed as well and diagnosing the correct remedies. You try out, you will understand better.

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@amit that makes sense. thank you. I am going to check it out

Ernst Wilhelm
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SOme people say the back are not what they used to be and the Australian bush flowers have become more popular every year and are considered the highest quality. 

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@ernst Do you have a book recommendation for the Australian Bush Flowers? I am reading an older edition by Ian White. I can find more books on Bach Flowers easily than the Australian Bush Flowers.

Amit Bhat
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Ian White has published books on that, you will find them easily on his website 

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I started reading an older edition by Ian White. I'll check his newer book later on. I was also looking for other authors and their take on it 

Ernst Wilhelm
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no, i have never studied bush remedies. 

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