Hello all,
OK, here goes: I am an herbalist and have great interest in herbs in all of its forms, including flower essences. For the last few months, ever since I have taken the mini course on Bach Flowers (from this website), I have been taking them, two or three at a time, each time over a period of six weeks, in the order specified by the course (cfr. start with Star Bethlehem, then look at where your Saturn is, your North node, etc.)
However, I do not feel a thing. Nor do I feel an effect when I take Bach Flower Rescue Remedy, which should surely have an instant effect in a time of crisis. It does not calm me down one bit. I am just as upset after taking it as before.
Same problem with gemstones, but Mars is the weakest planet in my chart. If I remember correctly, Mars rules gemstones so maybe that explains it.
Could there also be something in my chart that helps explain why I do not feel an effect when I use herbs (in general, not bach flowers. I've taken some Spagyric essences in the past - supposedly very powerful - to no effect.) Does Venus rule flowers or plants? My Venus is not in bad shape, at all. Mars is miserable, Saturn also faces bad weather but is exalted and can therefore take a lot, and the Moon is a bit weak, but not desperately so.
I would actually love to restart my combined astrological and herbalist practise, and I'd like to focus on bach flower and other essences, but if I have a client in front of me who will also not be helped by either flowers/herbs or gemstones, I would like to be able to see it in their chart, so as to not recommend that they go spend money on something that won't work.
Many thanks for your input!
Best, Caroline
Hi Caroline,
I've done some research on both Bach Flowers and Essential Oils using the chart. I find that it's a good practice to consider the D1 as well as the Trimsamsa to see what could be most helpful. Have you checked your D30 to see this? Also, it's a good idea to even look at the D40 as well as all the Vargas focusing on what the issue you'd like to address. The question is what are you dealing with that you're trying to correct? Did you consider your Dasa? Or is it a lifelong issue?
With the Bach Flowers, you should be able to notice a difference pretty much right away like within 3 days if you're using the correct combination. These are very light and work on an energetic level. But you said you have a strong Saturn in the Rasi, so maybe that makes it harder to notice a difference right away. I also have an EX Saturn in the Rasi so what I like to do for myself is combine both the Flower essences while using other methods since I find the essences to be quite mild. However, I have found them to work well although mild especially when putting intention behind them. But because they're mild, I need something in addition and not just the essences. I like the effects I've gotten from essential oils and swear by them. I do have a prominent planet in Rohini and have found this to be a connection to essential oils.
I've noticed that when people who have a weaker Saturn due to having Saturn starved by the Sun, Moon, or Mars, it seems to work on a more noticeable way for them. But having a more resilient and able Saturn makes it harder to notice generally speaking. Would you like to share your chart?
Hi Susan,
Thanks for you response. I have to admit I'm a total beginner when it comes to Vedic astrology so a lot of what you're saying is a bit abstract to me. Some of the info I gave in my initial question is based on what a Vedic astrologer-friend recently told me. I'm not yet able to see all of that in the chart myself. Regarding Saturn, mine is exalted but also both shamed and starved, if I understood correctly, but because it's exalted, that's not a disaster. (or so I heard)
I've attached my chart, for our collective learning process. The topic of what kinds of remedials are suited for whom is super interesting.
As for my intention, with the Bach flowers: it was not really my intention to directly cure health problems (though I have serious chronic issues, namely chronic fatigue, cfr. the beat-up Mars).
It was more about gradually addressing the separating influences that are, somewhat unconsciously, influencing me as a whole. I expected subtle changes in my outlook on life, my outlook on myself, etc. As well as some more noticeable changes with regards to my eating (or rather overeating) habits, given that some of the bach flowers I took relate to feelings of emptiness (Rahu in cancer), and addictions (I have a fallen Moon in scorpio, ruled by the beat-up Mars). I felt neither the subtle effects nor the more noticeable effects. Maybe it's just not for me. But it would still be cool to be able to use it with clients, given that the system Ernst lays out is quite structured.
Anyway, feel free to have a look. And happy to hear you found the remedies that work for you!
I have found that even though Flower Remedies work on an energetic level, the expression is on an emotional level. A few of the Remedies work on the same issue, but the expression of emotions is different. I don't do it according to my chart, but according to how I am feeling. If I judge the emotions and use the correct or close to correct remedy, I find it helpful. I also find it helpful to release the emotions as they come up, as basically it is the energetic release that is happening through those emotions.
So if I am feeling upset or anger or fear over anything, I sit and feel those emotions. After a couple of times doing this, it helps me to see why I became upset or angry or fearful, and in the process find an alternative solution to it. Most of the times, these feelings come up because of a feeling of helplessness. If I sit with these feelings, they slowly vanish, so does the feeling of helplessness, and I start feeling in control again. If I can start feeling in control of the situation, the feeling of helplessness vanishes, and so does the upset.
Emptiness can be experienced due to many different reasons. I have experienced It myself and still experience it, just not as strongly anymore. It is getting to the root of the reason for an individual that makes the difference. And it all happens in stages.
If you work backwards, finding the right remedy for you and then chart it on your chart as you are learning, you'll get more insights.