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Constant nightmares, tense vivid dreams through the night

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Ernst Wilhelm
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You may have excess fire in your heart which can cause to much dreaming. See if not eating spicy foods for a while helps, if it does, its most likely from to much fire. 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3429
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You may have excess fire in your heart which can cause to much dreaming. See if not eating spicy foods for a while helps, if it does, its most likely from to much fire. That includes onions, and avoid coffee which is very fiery and also sugar which aggravates fire as well. 

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It might be that you are working on some issue while sleeping. I for example have shame in my chart and have had lucid dreams regarding shame, which has helped me a lot. An afflicted Mars for example might express itself through violent dreams, but dreams are just dreams and if we choose to see them as part of the process they have an immense healing power.



Ernst Wilhelm
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The dreams are coming from repressed anger as mars is starved by saturn and mars aspects 12th house and moon very strongly. So you have to start getting in touch with your angry emotions and not sweeping emotions under the rug, so start to observe every feeling as with saturn mars its so normal to sweep some emotions under the rug that we don't even know we are doing it. Pay attention to your body sensations too, feel pain, tired, headache, cold, allergy, etc. all of a sudden? Go back a moment and see what emotion was just bypassed. As you get in touch with all your feelings you will sleep like a baby. 

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@ernst Thank you so much for your insight, Ernst, so kind of you to have a look and share your thoughts! This makes a lot of sense, as some of my repeating dreams involve angrily shouting at two close family members in total exasperation - quite a bit of trauma there to untangle it seems. And I keep getting some cuts and injuries this year on the left side of my body, so I knew there were some emotional issues there, just didn't know what exactly. I'm prone to short angry outbursts over small problems and immediately feel shame and regret afterwards, but they just come over me so rapidly and strongly that I don't even have time to try to control them. I need to dig deeper and find some healthy avenues of expression. Thank you again.

Ernst Wilhelm
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you do not need healthy ways of expressing them, you just have to express them. Repressed, they will damage you and then when they come out, they will damage others. So get in the habit of expressing as soon as they are there, even though the habit is to sweep them away. And you may need to release a lot of old boxed up feelings and if that means you go mad and crazy while they come out, that's okay too. People who are using you will go away but people who love you will understand and stay. 


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@ernst Unfortunately, for some of us with a Mars-Saturn sign-conjunction, this going mad and crazy can backfire and have karmic consequences!

But holding it in can cause our liver and gallbladder to explode!

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@mitryendra80 My son has that conjunction, in his 5th, so mutual shaming going on, AND Mars is his lagna lord which is never pretty to see in such a combination. So I´m a bit worried and is looking for a couple of gemstones for him. This happens in Leo, so yellow stones for both planets I guess, or their exaltation stone...

My question: Have you tried gemstones for this and have any experience to share?


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@staffan No I haven't tried them for that, but I would like to, but have several questions about it.

Would wearing both stones at the same time (one for Mars and another for Saturn) cause those stones to "starve each other" like the planets do in the chart? Would this even be more the case if both stones are the same color, especially if that color is of the rashi they're in in the birth chart? Or would it just help harmonize them?

I ask this because contemporary Jyotish gemology advises against wearing stones that are enemies to each other at the same time (with the acception of the illustrious "navaratna").

Or should we were the one for Saturn first for a while, then take it off and wear one for Mars?

Or should we wear stones that put those planets in different positions than they are in the chart?

Maybe Ernst could chime in on this?

Also, do we remedy the planet that is blockinng the other planet that is the karaka of what we want/need and are being deprived of, or do we just try to directly strengthen the planet that we want to activate, so it can stand up against the stronger planet that is suffocating it?

Also, I have other severe restrictive things in my chart so it probably won't be as bad for your son.

In fact, the frustration behind my last comment could be fueled by other mutual bad things in my chart and not just Mars/Saturn.

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@mitryendra80 OK, let´s see if we can sort it out. Let me first tell you that I haven´t used gemstones much myself, so what I´m going to share is theoretic knowledge from Ernst´s course.

- The first and biggest issue, whether it´s recommendable to wear two gems for planets causing harm to each other: I don´t remember what Ernst says about this, if anything, so yes indeed, we should ask that. I don´t see anything about it in the handout neither.

- If we choose a gem from a planetary position in a Varga chart, we must check that it doesn´t interfere with it´s placement in the Rasi chart. If it falls in the 6th, 8th or 12th position for it´s placement, that gem should be avoided.

- An easy way to overcome the problem you mention, if it exists, would be to wear one of the gems at the time, obviously. Paying attention to the time periods, week days etc, of course.

- There are other way to strengthen the afflicted house. One may choose a gem for the house lord. It might be for it´s placement, or for it´s exaltation sign. 

- How well we respond to gem therapy is dependant on our Mars, especially it´s ShadBala. I suppose that if we have a weak Mars we should wear a gemstone for Mars in Capricorn or, if we can´t find it, in Aries (if we want change) or Scorpio (brings in fix energy though). That would be a multicoloured dumortierite.

- Mars´s deva is Karttikeya, the seven year old child. I guess that should be taken as an encouragement to have a playful approach when it comes to gem therapy.

- Often times we strengthen the rasi in which the problem occurs. According to Ernst it´s more important to bring the colour of that ras in than choosing the planet perfectly.

- If Jupiter or a friend of the afflicted planet is joined, you can choose to strengthen that planet in stead.

- Even if Jupiter is not present in the afflicted rasi, we can still bring in that colour using a gem for Jupiter.

I hope I didn´t forget anything...

Regarding your previous post... A pink Lepidolite (for Jupiter as the lord of Sag) or Kunzite (Jupiter as lord of Pisces) would be recommendable... Jupiter, in charge of the liver, being reminded about his  highest capacity by one of his gems plus the colour of Cancer.

Plus something for the gallbladder; Mercury in Virgo that would be...


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@staffan Thanks for the feed-back. I do remember some of it from the course.

Jupiter is my Sag. lagna lord and is in the same sign as the Sa-Ma conjunction. He is stuck in the middle trying to break up the fight between those two, so I should probably focus on him the most.

But right now it is definitely Saturn that is bugging me the most.

The only stone for Jupiter that I've seriously shopped and bought a couple of peices for (after searching in vane for the elusive, expensive, and usually fake, "rainbow jade") are the relatively affordable monoclinic varieties of serpentine, which are often called a type of "jade" or are sold as jade.

They usually have a negative optical property and are suitable as lord of Sag., vs true jade which is Pisces.

I have db Ju in d30 and in d16. Despite the overall greenish countenance of Serpentine, they are usually a combo of pale yellowish cream and very dark sage or forest green. So they are "multi-colored" enough to work for Capricorn.

But I'm not sure if the thin metalic streaks in them, or the light crack-like layering on some of them of what looks like fractures, would be flaws that would cause them not to work or to cause misfortune? So I haven't worn them yet out of caution.

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@mitryendra80 Yep, you should focus on Jupiter I think. Even if, as you say, Saturn is the trouble maker right now.

I would consider a multicoloured dumoterite too though, for Mars in Capricorn. That, I believe, would help your sensitivity for gem energies in general. Except for helping your Mars. Unless it is in the 6th, 8th or 12th from Mars in the chart.

So a pink lepidolite. Then you kill two or even three flies at once. Strengthens your Jupiter and helps your liver out, and helps Mars and Saturn by conjunction.

I´m about to buy one for myself. My Jupiter is shamed and gosh is that a hindrance on my spiritual path! Only yesterday I heard Ernst talking about shamed Jupiter in the PAC course: how hard it is to love oneself with that position. One part of you deeply despise the person looking back at you in the mirror. Which obviously manifests as a bad attitude towards people too. Intolerance, judgment... Luckily both my DB Saturn and Jupiter are exalted in the Trimsamsa though, so thus far - I´m 55 - it hasn´t caused me any health problems. And I do connect to nature, which also is indicated by D30, which I recently learned.


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@mitryendra80 I correct myself. For Jupiter to be helped to help Mars and Saturn you should use the color for the sign the three of them are in. Of course a generally strengthened Jupiter (pink for Cancer) will be stronger anyway, but as Ernst says: The color of the troublesome sign is more important.

Both gems are worth testing though.


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