I watched the video on Usha Vance yesterday, in which Ernst talks about the Aditya Pusha and it´s capacity for active non-action, basically to sit on a stone waiting for the right moment to take action. With my DB Saturn I often lack patience and tend to go to far ahead, but in one specific area I´ve always been quite patient: Spirituality and the ockult. Although I´ve lived in an environment that constantly offers ceremonies, sweatlodges, master plants etc in abundance, I have never felt tempted to chase any of it, nor have I ever felt any desperation for to learn the ockult sciences at a higher pace than the natural. Now to my question: Pusha is my 8th house. But I have no planets in it, and it´s lord is the very same debilitated Saturn that I mentioned.
Can a house have this effect, although it doesn´t have any grahas in it, nor having a Lord pointing in that
In D-9 it´s also the 8th house, and also has no grahas in it. The Lord Saturn is in neutral dignity there.
I guess the same principles apply to both our normal astrology to the one, based on the adityas, that Ernst has started teaching now.
My 12th lord Venus is in the 9th and in GF dignity, maybe that contributes, although it has nothing to do with Pusha.
Hi, maybe occult can become an addiction, he mentions eating too much or being able to rely on no food, in the context of the 8th would be eating too much spirituality 😀 spiritual food. My dad often talked about that, and clearly he was way too much focused on it to the point he was forgetting about real life, same card as you by the way 5 of club. I think many of us can do that, me included 🤔