I have been enjoying your Adityas youtube series. You said the inauguration chart has a starved Venus. Our fearless leader has a starved Venus. I also notice Musk has a starved Venus and the Secretary of State has a starved Venus. The VP, Secretary of Health, Secretary of Defense have Saturn Mars conjunction. They seem to either have a starved Venus of Saturn Mars conjunction. Kinda interesting observation
The planes are dropping out of the sky in the US right now, it seems. Tesla seems to have big problems.
The "diplomatic" efforts in Europe don´t even have to mentioned, I guess.
What´s interesting and peculiar is that Jupiter is better than good. Good economy despite the tariff war that seems to be approaching? And whatabout justice? Elon seems to raiding the state in a way that has nothing to do with justice on earth. Perhaps in heaven?
Interesting times ahead, that´s for sure. Personally I´m struggling hard not to get emotionally involved; I wish I could look on from some other planet.
The planes falling may have to do with Mercury, a bird, debilitated and starved by Saturn (gravity, earth/air) conjunction and also conjunct Neptune. And now has recently become agitated (and blinded?) by the Sun as well, who will also be starved by Saturn for a bit.
I'm thinking the Saturn-Neptune conjunction has been dulling concentration and slowing down reflexes, especially when acting on a deb. Mercury. And all this with a debilitated Mars who rules vision and flight or fight response.
And Pluto's ingress into an air sign. Was it Aquarius that Jaimini described as "demons flying through the air" or was that Capricorn?
I wish I could move but I'm afraid to board a plane.
That is Capricorn.