house cusps rasi ch...
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house cusps rasi chart

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Very basic questions: How are the cusps have to be read in the Kala Rasi chart: When the planet is displayed aligned with the cusp number, does it mean, the point where both come together? How exact is this meant to be visually? Are then planets situated more next to the number of the cusp not being sitting directly on the cusp, but near to it (And therefore having also an effect to it to some degree?)


When cusps are different than houses like 10th house with 8th cusp in it: Did I get it right that the cusp is a concrete event and the house the domain through and in which the experience is made? 


Thank you!!

6 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

The cusps are sensitive points that represent concrete t hings. Just as the lagna represents your concrete self, your body, the cusps represent the other concrete things. Planets influence them by conjunction or aspect and rulership. Then planets fall in certain signs from the asc that makes it easier or more difficult to manifest and use those planets. 

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@ernst I am just curious, but where in your courses do you talk about cusps? I was under the impression that cusps, like various angles are more a western astrology system rather than one that was compatible with vedic. The only comment I remember was how in the house systems course you mention how in western astrology there is an emphasis on cusps to undo the form of housing system that only vedic really gets right.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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The cusps are sensitive points that represent concrete t hings. Just as the lagna represents your concrete self, your body, the cusps represent the other concrete things. Planets influence them by conjunction or aspect and rulership. Then planets fall in certain signs from the asc that makes it easier or more difficult to manifest and use those planets. 

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@ernst Thank you Ernst! My first questions were on the visual presentation of the cusps in the Rasi Chart. But today I found the exact position of the cusps in the round chart in "Animated Transits". I don´t know if I read that correctly and I have another question rising from it: 10th house with two cusps in it say 8 and 9 and f.ex. Rahu closer to cusp 9 than to cusp 8 but not exactly sitting on the cusp point. Does Rahu give a 9th cusp effect or a 8th cusp effect or both or nothing because it is placed in between these cusps?  Thank you and sorry for insisting 🙂

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Rahu will influence both cusps, the closer the stronger. 

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Posts: 220

@ernst Thank you!!
