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How do I organize myself best

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Dear community,

How do you organize yourself in learning and adapting the new astrological knowledge. I don´t mean the topical order as this is already well explained by Ernst. Is there any system you established for yourself and found it valuable?

I write everything down, and like to work with colours for highlighting. And then I reread what I wrote down. And I try to find more and more meaning in the charts. But sometimes I still feel a bit lost in a jungle of puzzle-pieces. Thank you!

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Personally I started with the Cards of Truth that offer a very solid, complete astrological system on which you may later add modules like the lajjitaadi avasthas, the character of the grahas, jaimini, shadbala, the ages of the planet, nodal astrology etc etc. I very much recommend it. In 6 months of dedicated studies you learn the cards pretty well, if you keep on working with them they become your best friends within a year or two.

Depending on how your Venus is though, I should say. For cardreading you need a good Venus.



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@staffan Thank for your feedback! I don´t know anything about them and just starting Astrology with very few knowledge at the base. Can you say that the cards of truth can be helpful to learn in a more structured way? It´s probably not similar but I am into Tarot since some years- I think I could adapt to this system ;)But I don´t want to add to much new to the studies here...

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First and foremost it depends on what you vibrate with. I instinctively felt drawn to the cards from the beginning. Check them out, there are some videos about them on YouTube, some of them with Ernst I think.

Second: If you want a system that works it´s a much shorter way to take. To become a fullfledged astrologer takes years and years of studies, at least five years of full studies for most cases, I´d say. And it´s astonishingly accurate. Ernst told me that he often uses the card system in stead of the vedic horoscope for predictions. All techniques I mentioned above and many more combine perfectly well with the Cards of Truth system. I forgot to mention the Vargas. Well, and there are many more of course.

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@staffan I am nearly 48 now, and starting sth new at this age is not so obvious ;). 5 years sounds much and on the other hand, if the whole life is learning until we die, it’s ok. I am not in a hurry ( I try too :D). I will watch a video about the cards. I wonder if medical astrology will work with it too. Thank you!

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@tamarap Everything combines fine with the cards! 🙂 Yeah, medicine astrology attracts me too, but one limitation is that for the right use of 30th Varga you need a pretty exact birth time, which means that you may have to make a correction first... which means that you need to know quite some astrology. One wish it would be simpler. On the other hand: If you are really intuitive and it´s meant to work it´s gonna work no matter what...


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Posted by: @tamarap

How do you organize yourself in learning and adapting the new astrological knowledge. I don´t mean the topical order as this is already well explained by Ernst. Is there any system you established for yourself and found it valuable?

I don't obsess over learning every technique that exists (nor have the time for it). But whatever I study, I practice the teachings on actual charts (that I've collected/am interested in) immediately... it's really helpful.

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@leela Hi, thank you! I only started in May 2023 with jyotish in general, but very  recently with Ernsts way. I am into the basics at the moment. All I read and learn, I try to apply to charts of my family members and others. The amount of material is overwhelming but it is fantastic too. I try to go with pace. Sometimes I sit over a chart trying to verbalise what I think I see, and than realizing, that I don’t know nothing… these moments are discouraging, I guess I need to be so much more patient 🙂 But it is great to dive into the topics in depth.
