Mars in Cancer
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Mars in Cancer

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Hi there,

There are two different views on Mars in the sign of Cancer. On one hand, it is considered debilitated, and on the other hand, it is said to be delighted. How do I distinguish one from the other? Is Mars more delighted or debilitated? Is this situation-dependent? Does it depend on other factors? In this case Mars is in the 6th. Thank you!

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With the little of what I understood as Ernst explains this (same for Venus in Virgo, where it is DB and also delighted) - with delighted planet you will feel fulfilled even if you get less quantity of it as a DB planet can produce only so much. Ernst mentions a Mars delighted in the moon's sign is great. So I would look at it using a different lens i.e. fulfillment / happiness vs quantity the karaka produces. Its like the old saying that even if you live in a small hamlet there are people who are happy and contended whilst some of them who live in mansions are left with always wanting more ... 

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I think Mars in Cancer needs a lot more commentary.  So many charts of wealthy people have this placement and yet Mars rules the wealth of the earth.  

One thing I've noticed from doing readings is Mars in Cancer people do not get so fired up over opinions and right & wrong and so they do not cut off streams of influence that a strong Mars would.  They usually motivate off Moon needs or Venus desires.  I have seen them struggle with discipline, especially when trying to do what's "right" and fighting for a cause, or make deep change in thier lives.

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In one of his videos Ernst put it like this: Mars in Cancer is like the army taking it easy at the base. Hanging out and having a few drinks. The Queen has taken care of the kingdom so they don't have to fight. Mars is debilitated but delighted.

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@brightsun ah i like this picture! Thank you!

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Thank you all for your comments it helps understand more! I am asking myself how a Cancer Mars behaves as a Ketu Lord. Especially here with Aries. Will the person be more stuck in Ketu with this layed back Lord? Or being just more receptive and waiting until he acts? Needing more crisis to act?
