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Navamsa Deities Compatibility

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Hi Ernst,


I just listened to your Navamsa Compatibility Video and have the following questions:

1. Let's say one's Kuta points in the Compatibility Course is low but the Navamsa Compatibility is great - especially the Moon is on the same path (Deva, Nri or Rakshasa Navamsa paths), how do you interpret this kind of results? Does it mean the couples do not get along due to low Kuta points or the day to day flow is not there yet they are on the same path so they could possibly be together?

2. Kala gives the 3 lords for the 7 planets, Rahu, Ketu and Lagna. I know the Moon is the most important. But what about Rahu and Ketu? What is the level of importance of Rahu and Ketu as they relate to Navamsa compatibility in people?

3. Could you apply this technique to people you work with or friends and not just to marriage couples? I mean this technique applies to partners in the general sense and not just romantic partner, right?

4. If you don't have the birth time, can we still get the 3 Navamsa Lords accurately?

5. It appears to do a good compatibility analysis, you really need to do the points calculation taught in your Compatibility course AND analyze this Navamsa paths because even if you have high kuta points but if the Navamsa paths are in conflict (Deva vs Rakshasa), then eventually the couple will split because their paths are not compatible even though they get along fabulously..... Is this a correct assessment?





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#3 I can say it applies to all and every relationship.  You can look at which planet you have the highest compatibility with anyone and emphasizing those planetary indications will foster synergistic connections.  
When giving readings for example, Jupiter is the most important planet to have in compatibility.  Even if you don't have that you can still give a good reading and speaking through the highest compatible planet will help.
So for friends, Mercury, for cell mates or people you have to go through hard times with, Saturn, for people on a luxury cruise, Venus, for athletic partners and the energetic experience of sex, Mars, etc.
