Hello @Ernst and fellow astrologers. I read that Saturn and Ketu are friends, however it is said that Ketu is like Mars, and Mars and Saturn are enemies. I have seen charts where Saturn and Ketu have caused destruction of a particular Bhava. Also, I had a client who experienced the death of a pet when Saturn was transiting Ketu in the 6th bhava. From what I have seen so far in my experience, it seems like Saturn and Ketu together can be quite injurious. Is it just because, if they are friends, it increases the force of Saturn, like making a super Saturn and therefore bringing more suffering? I just wanted to get some input.
Rahu and ketu do not have friends or enemies. Saturn wiht ketu is two malefics together and that can be a problem, but it really depends on saturn's avastha and that of Ketu's lord. The one thing that is alwasy good about saturn ketu is it helps a person move quickly towards the rahu house as when the ketu house ends, there is n o where else to go and the saturn with ketu means less to do in the ketu house than is the norm.
Ketu births Saturn as well...as in Bacteria breeds disease. A good Saturn helps one fully embrace Rahu while a weak one makes it hard to confront the baser nature/drama of the self.