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Sex and death associations with different houses

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(@Anonymous 28518)
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Hello guys, I'm learning astrology since almost a year. I want to learn the core meanings of astrological symbolism. When it comes to the topic " death " there are astrologers like Vic Dicara who associate it with 7th house because it's the area of setting. Some astrologers like Devrim Dölen (from Turkey) associate death with the 4th house because 4th house symbolizes the underground. Some say it's the 8th house. Likewise the topic " sex " is being related to 5th or 8th house . Can all of these associations be correct according to various situations of charts? How to determine the correct meaning ?

Thank you and Greetings????????

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Ernst Wilhelm
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7th house is sex, the 8th house is the bond that occurs from sex. just like 7th house is a partnership, and the 8th are the things that the partnership creates that bonds them together. So when people do business together as partners, they got bonded together due to the bond of other people's money. 

8th house is longevity. 8th from 8th, the third is the secondary house of longevity. Loss of longevity is death, thus 2nd and 7th can cause death. They dont indicate death, they just cause death. Death itself is indicated by the 8th, as its the other side of the longevity coin, when longevity runs out, death occurs. So i fyou see someone who has lagna lord in 8th, they can be involved in death or give an unusual amount of thought to death, this won't happen with lagna lord in 7th. 

5th house is what a person gains from the partnership, for those who want to gain sex, then yes, it can be sex. Its really whatever the two people are trying to gain through their association. If a child, its children. So for two people who are togetehr just cause they want to have sex, then  yes, 5th would be sex. 


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(@Anonymous 28518)
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@ernst I see now.There are a lot of things to learn and practice. Thank you!

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Are there techniques to determine how one will die, no about longevity. For instance, if Mars is in 8th then it will be a quick, sudden death or something to that nature. If Saturn is in 8th, the death will be more prolonged in its process?

Yogesh Lohra
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@scott-m-19 good analogy but that made me curious  to know  how would you associate rest of planets   Ju , Me, Ve , Ra , Sa , ke ? or we wait for Ernst to cover that ? 


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yeah, not really sure. I mean we could make general assumptions on the planets but the nature of one's death is usually some sort of disease. But murder, an accident, vehicle crash, overdose, eaten by another animal ???? ect. well....It would be an interesting course if Ernst would do it. 

Yogesh Lohra
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@ernst when you say " 5th is 11th from 7th and hence if you want sex then yes it will be gain of sex and  if you want child it will  be gain child " but how do you determine the exact relationship without asking them the very ground of their relationship " is it sex oriented or child oriented  ? to me it a very complicated  scenario to derive  as there are so many factors one  needs to evaluate but would interesting to know if there is a snapshot technique .

Ernst Wilhelm
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@yogesh You have to read the chart as a whole. If the chart shows a person who is aobut sex, it will be sex they want to gain.

Ernst Wilhelm
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Yes, there are, the 3rd is actually the most important house for that. 

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Do you teach this anywhere? Or what is a good source to see the nature of the death? 

Ernst Wilhelm
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@scott-m-19 I have not covered this as of yet.

(@Anonymous 21669)
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@ernst I am having a mental struggle today about this question. 

If it is the Karma/Fate of the person to die at a time, is there action that should change in order to avoid death?  I believe you had mentioned that you were aware at time, you might have an accident, but you still went climbing and fell from cliff. Knowing that if it was your karma for accident/injury it would happen regardless.

I have always thought, that when it is "your time to die", the event will find you. But I find myself today worrying about a trip that I have been asked to take in a couple months. I have never been a paranoid personality, so I don't know what to think of this. My astrological knowledge is limited, but with what I have learned and seeing in Varshaphala, Muhurta AND the 12th from Pada in D1 I think distant travel as well as learning astrology might be a sum ZERO for me.


Ernst Wilhelm
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THere is no way to test any of this, the reason is that if a person dies we can't go back adn say, lets try this instead and see if they live!

or if a person almost dies we can't say, lets go back and do this instead and see if they die. 

There are no repeats. 

In the end we just dont really know, it's all just philosophy. There have been stories of devout disciples who almost died, and their guru told them, it was your time to die, but because of the spiritual progress you are making you will continue to live so that you can continue your spiritual effort. 

No one has ever been able to predict death, or anything, 100% of the time correctly. So in the end, we have to ignore all predictions as far as our actions are concerned and learn to listen to our inner voice which is the only thing that knows. So if you are not feeling right about this trip, maybe there is a reason for it that you need to listen to. 

(@Anonymous 21669)
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@ernst Perfect - it makes sense... And the more I study the more I know - or think I "might" know. ????

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@ernst It is interesting that you said listen to our inner voice. I will share with you my experience. The first one was when my cousin was very sick and one day my dad told me to give her a call to see how she was doing. He said the night before he had a dream that my mom came home and my cousin and my mom went out together. He said it did not feel right to him. Before i could make the call, my cousin's husband called and informed my dad that she passed away the day before.

Then as my dad's health deteriorated he told me that he did not think he had much time left on this earth. He said for months he had been having dreams of dead people, his parents, his siblings, cousins, friends who have long passed. He said he also saw my mom coming home telling him to go out with her. He said it was time for him to go. He passed away at the end of that year.




(@Anonymous 21669)
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@tuyetv Thank you for sharing, that touching story. Was there anything particular about his 12th house?

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@ltmoon  I don't know my parents' birth time so i could only do a general analysis  and nothing specific unfortunately...



Ernst Wilhelm
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@tuyetv What's amazing about this is that he had the ability to know about not only his own death, but also the death of others. knowing when one is going to die is said to be the result of Jupiter in the 3rd, did he have that? Then I would think something in his 8th house to know the death of others.

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@ernst This is interesting Ernst. I do not know my dad's birth time so i played around with it several years ago just knowing events that happened in his life. I pulled up his chart just now and i have Jupiter in the 3rd house. He has exalted Jupiter. So perhaps the time that i guessed might be the right time or about. That is amazing!

He believed in astrology. He told me when i was young that there is a lot of science in astrology. He was such a wise man too as he taught me a lot of the wisdom about life in general. It is not until i am older that i realize how wise my dad is, actually how lucky i am to have such great parents...

My dad taught me many of the things that i studied in your courses, the before life, the after life, karma ect.. Perhaps that is why when i studied your courses, i got the concepts right away because i grew up with many of those beliefs. He was not afraid of death either. He said when it is time to go it is time to go...



Ernst Wilhelm
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@tuyetv I am really glad you had the fortune to have a father like that. 


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Would this also work through transits? Does the 8th association has to be only in the Rasi or also in some specific Varga? 

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Posted by: @ltmoon

I have always thought, that when it is "your time to die", the event will find you.

I will share a different experience from that of Tuyet’s. I have had a few near misses with death or major injury in the past few years.

One time, I was attending a fair at my daughter’s school. I was walking along and suddenly I paused. Completely halted. No thought, just pure reaction. A second later the metal flag sign of one of the business vans came crashing down right where I would have been had I not had halted.

Another time, I was driving along and suddenly my foot stepped on the brakes. Couple seconds later, the electricity pole on the island in the middle of the road got knocked down by one of the bobcats that was working there.

The biggest one was another time when I was driving, came to a standstill to turn at a T-junction as a pickup truck was approaching. I don’t know what made me look in the rear view mirror, but I saw this 4 wheel drive coming behind me. I had no time to think, but automatic reaction set in. A second later I was pushed in the middle of the road with this pickup truck coming towards me. The driver braked in time. The car sustained major damage, but I got away unscathed, not even a whiplash.

It makes one realise that if you are meant to die, nothing will save you; but if you are not meant to die, then nothing will kill you.

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i took Varshaphala about 2 years ago and i remember (correct me if i am wrong here Ernst) the Ishrafa yoga between the Lagna lord and the 8th house. The 6th, 12th with Mars were involved (explosion), and the person died in a plane crash. Then i pulled up John F Kennedy Jr.'s chart on the year that he died, and I see a similar Isharfa yoga pattern. That year he also died in a plane crash. I would have to go back and look at the details but it was something like that...


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(@Anonymous 21669)
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@tuyetv John F Kennedy died by a gunshot wound to the head. But glad you mentioned that one, since that would be a good one to study in this context. A fairly recent one to check would be athlete Kobi Bryant or actress Anne Heche.  Since Ernst hint above I've been looking at 3rd from AK/Pada/UP in the drekkena and it seems VERY interesting so far.  But varshaphala is a great tool, but don't think I would be able to detect in advance ONLY from varshaphala but I am not as advanced as most.

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@ltmoon Sr died from the gunshot. Jr. died in a plane crash....



(@Anonymous 21669)
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@tuyetv Sorry I totally missed the JR ! LOL!


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@ltmoon good idea to look at Kobi and Anne Heche to see if there is the same Ishrafa yoga pattern....I will do that when i have time. Thx!



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I bet the Kennedy family would be a good topic for a conference on the views/validity of "Pitru Dosha" in jyotish.
