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What is a strong planet?

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The 6th house is often overestimated by earthly standard I would say, I mean by people who doesn't believe in astrology but in Science, or "work ethics". Usually I tend to see people get well in life by being ahead materially or physically, or health related work or nature. Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger chart for example, he is ahead physically and materially, same for Christian Bale role in movies, they love to play physical roles in movies. A lot of successful actors have strong 6th house because they work a lot. I see a lot of movies with 6th or "strong" 7th, either ketu is there or a lot of planets or a lord strong. But even if it's weak or shamed, they still work a lot and their family usually respect them for that. The Artha house are responsibilities, people tend to overestimate the 6th house in real life I tend to see. or the 2th also is well liked. Put Saturn there and you have someone who is not as respected by earthly standard, the 2nd is very similar to the first, at least by people "standard". And by that I mean the American way of judging life, what we usually see in movies. 

Personally I know a woman with at least 4 planets in low Shadbala, She has sun in Virgo in the 6th, with mars there, materially I can see she is very successful, worked in medicine related work. But that's just the way to look at it when one don't consider all the other path possible, usually we just focus on one, and forget all the rest. Astrology doesn't rate good or strong as we may think, that's why research is not easy, we can't expect to know what good behaviour mean. And we tend to evaluate how good our life is by Ketu side most often, meaning most often we only see one side of reality, the ketu side, and the house close to ketu, all the rest we ignore, don't pay attention to or don't know how to use correctly most of the time. Until the Rahu period come at 42.

If you have Venus exalted in D9 it's the best one to have exalted there, so it helps a lot with spirituality also, as Jupiter is exalting Venus through his Pisces Sign. We can talked about strength all day but some details are just Vedic philosophy, the strength reflect the philosophy, the D9 is a very important chart for well being, and feeling well. By most standard most people would rate my life as uneventful or boring if I didn't practice danse, and enjoy astrology so much, some people don't enjoy their life as much even if it's good, a strong D9 show someone who enjoy life, even if events don't align properly. So what I feel sometimes it feels like I overate my life, as I do like it very much, I meet people with a lot of things, and they are depressed. The D9 helps a lot I tend to see, by my own experience, not just what I learn from Ernst Course. 

D7 Jupiter is one of the important planet there also. I

In D60 I mainly just look at exaltation most often, because it's a fast way to see how good the chart is, and birthtime is often a problem here, and exaltation is not as much affected by time than the Ascendant in the D60. 

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@lorris Ah Interesting, I thought the placements, too, in D60 and these vargas, good to know. Thanks for the insights, keep it up 🙂

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@lorris This thread is becoming long and chaotic, touching several themes. I´m back on the chanting track that I for some reason brought up. You being a 3D - deep understanding for energies - with Moon and Mars in the 2nd house for voice and Jupiter in the 5th... Mercury card 5S focused on hardship and improvements and 7D on Mars good on dealing with crisis and making adjustments on an energy level (Diamonds indicates "energy" and "vibes" as I see it)... Tried chanting? Mantras of course you have tried. It should work really well for you. What do you think?


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It's a coincidence you say that, I have been chanting my mantra recently or tried to at least,  I wanted to do it more. Maybe we can meet online today. I will be installing the zoom today, not sure how it will go, my computer lack ram and it's bugging me often recently, it's like I have to use all my patience to not get frustrated, it's like I have a computer from the 2000's era, it's slow, if I wasn't meditating a bit I would have gone mad 😆 

I give you my email just in case astrologielorris@gmail.com I used to do meet up with Google/gmail software, I'm not used to anything else. From what  I'm reading most you are using Zoom?, is it free software? or do you need to pay for it ? 

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@lorris Check your mailbox.

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