Ace as Saturn card
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Ace as Saturn card

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What do you make of an Ace as the Saturn card?

"Giving up new things" my notes from the foundation course says.

But Ernst also explains how Aces has the capacity to overcome the restrictions of the 3rd, 5th and 7th card places, since in nature a tree, a fruit or a leaf is never born alone. Even if most of the saplings die, chances are that a few will survive. So it breaks through anyway.

So I guess the Saturn card just isn´t a big deal for the BC:s having an ace in that position? Resistance, yes, need for letting go, yes, but there will always be a way around.

Am I right?

And the Jacks should work similarily, at least in the Ace aspect of it.


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Amit Bhat
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I think ace in saturn position will find a new way to overcome a difficulty 

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@amit Yep. Which to me indicates that the Saturn carn doesn´t cause them much trouble.


Amit Bhat
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That depends on the condition of Saturn and any planets in Saturn card. If everything in good shape, they should be able to find a new avenue to overcome it no matter how hard it is.

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@staffan with Pluto and Xth cusp in Saturn, sometimes it can be a severe ending, but looking back: it was always for my own good

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@amit with Ace AD as an 8C B/C I can always find ways out by finding something new ... short time ago I thought Kala isn´t working anymore and all charts might be lost 😥 , my first thought was to drop Cards of Truth and Astrology forever and find sg. different instead, but then you have to consider, if it´s really completed for you yourself. Because it might also be an avoiding concept that´s deceiving you ... So I tried it again and it worked: that showed me, that I should continue  (just an example) ... another example: after almost 18 yrs. of work I decided to stop, little ritual and never looked back again ...

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@mirasol Interesting examples indeed. One of my son´s is an 8C, I hadn´t thought of him having an ace as his Saturn card while writing this. Now I really have an example to keep under observation.

As for your example of quitting the job I see other factors playing out as well. Like 4 of Spades on the Moon card for example - stability in who you are, non dependence on the outer world. 10D on the 4th: Trust in the wheel of fortune. And 3C on the EC: "I do it my way." Do you agree?

Actually my wife has an Ace on her 7th position, AS. Not sure what it means though. Some kind of survival skill I guess, but not without some initial struggle. She has AC as her Moon card and I often call her McGyver... No matter the problem, she might not have a clue, but she always come up with a solution. But then her nakshatra is Hasta, that helps too. The right tools just fall in her hand, just like McGyver.


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@staffan yes, you are right: I do it my way is so true, this kind of stubbornness of the 8C is innate 😉 and you analyzed it very well: trust in the wheel of fortune and stability in myself: yes, but only after overcoming the tougher childhood themes ...

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@mirasol As said, one of my son´s is an 8C. He´s 18, already plays 3 instruments and is tempted to add more to the list. Maybe that is an AC on the Saturn card, that he must learn not to jump on every new train passing by. Does that resonate with your experience?


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@staffan AD on the Sa card helps me to discover always new directions and do it my way, find creative solutions and new ressources but not forever, sometimes only for a short time.

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concerning yr son: he needs role models, maybe like you, people who can survive and are living close to nature, that´s so important. Anyway you can never stop a 3C / his ecliptic card, but staying in touch, telling him stories about life can also be kind of prevention to jump on every train that passes by. I told my son, if he feels alone and no help seems available: go to nature, look for a stable tree, sit down or stay in touch with it until you feel better ... the cards of truth: it´s all about nature, it starts with the AS I remember - every information is in the seed  ... your wife Lupita AS on Sa card she knows that probably because she lives so close to nature and always finds a solution ... nature tells her
