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The evolutionary cards

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Those would be the 7th, 8th and 9th, backed up by the 11th, 12th and 13rd.

It would be interesting to hear what you have to say about your own experience from these cards.

I´m a 5 of Clubs and it´s so obvious how they work in my life, I believe.

For anyone interested:

9C in the 7th position: 5C must learn not to tell God how life should be. To put their ideals apart. A deep lesson of acceptance and humility. Recommended reading: "Love what is" by Byron Katie. Letting go of fix ideas about the world. A tough one! Working for noble causes, like saving the whales or cleaning the ocean, tend not to work. Of course they can do it, as long as they approach it with humility, but the tendency of 5 of Club is, as already stated, to show God himsel how things should be.

9S in the 8th position: A omplete ego breakdown.

2H in the 9th position: When 5 of Clubs learn to let go of it´s fix ideas and learn acceptance and humility, it has the potential to connect to the world like noone else. Jack of Hearts on the Venus position gives a taste of it, but it´s only after it´s huge transformation - and normally not until after 48 - that it might happen in a deeper way.

KD in the 11th position: Big sacrificies, to stand up for one´s own values, great spiritual connection - the 9D aspect of the KD card - and high vibration.

6H in the 12th position: 5 of Clubs tend to be stuck in it´s strong mind, but has a deep longing for connection that motivates them to keep breaking up it´s concepts. The family and spouse means everything to a 5C. A much needed place to rest from it´s frustrating struggle for concepts and rights and wrongs.

4C in the 13th position: 4 of Clubs. Fix ideas, established systems of thoughts, ideology etc, tend to make them suffer. Like a boxer who doesn´t move his feet, 5 of Clubs get beaten up when he (or she) get stuck in their ideas.

I don´t know, I just think that it would be interesting to vent the cards a little more here on the forum and learn from one another.


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I don't know much about the cards as I havn't really tuned into them too deeply. 

I am a 2D birth card which has me with a J of Spades for my Sun card and Sun is my 1st lord. I think the first 52 years is about 'self-discovery'. Then I go into the 8C for the next 52 years in my Mo card with Ke. 

Q of Diamonds for Ecliptic Card. 

I can definitely say that when I run a spade 52 day cycle in my year spread...damn. Good for growth. 

The only main reason I would want to study the cards is for practical purposes of prediction and timing...(I am a 2 of diamonds).


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@scott-m-19 Sure... What you say about the Sun card is true for everyone, but of course even more so for a Leo ascendant.

I don´t know if it´s a good idea to study the cards - or any system - if you don´t fall in love with it. With that said, it IS good for prediction. Especially, of course, if you use it as yet another complementary timing system for to gain confirmation.

And yes, spades tend to be tough/great! Depends on the position though. I have Ace of Spades on the Moon card - in my birth spread that is - which makes it really easy for me to recuperate. And the 5S on the Jupiter card means that most of the trouble in my life seems worse than it is, 5C tends to get away from difficult and dangerous situations in some magic way. So it depends on the position too how the Spades work, sometimes they makes life easier.


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I have tried to dedicate myself to the cards twice in the last year or year and a half. Both times felt guided to leave it...Just to focus on astrology proper. 

In HD I am a 4/1 generator. It is very 'fixed' in its approach to studying and learning about a particular subject field and not really wavering around. 

That said, the CoT have always been intriguing.

Staffon, what is your email?

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@scott-m-19 cool, I'm a fellow 2 of Diamonds birth card as well.

In my case, 12th cusp is with my Sun card of J of Spades. I spend an exorbitant amount of time being a societal outcast and trying to figure out whats' wrong with me haha.

I got in to studying astrology and the cards and it became a calling for me and I sort of made it my degree, with the Ace of Diamonds on Ketu. Now, I spend my time trying to put that "degree" to it's best use as a 2 of Diamonds BC.

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From the practical Cards meaning from Ernst for J of Spades for my Sun Card asc: medical student, spying youth, thief (briefly as a teen), youth in trouble, youth in uniform, self-sufficient youth, dark hair and eyes, emotionally controlled, juveniles delinquent (as a young teen), cold and calculating youth. All these I have been at one time or another...

I have 8S as my Sa card with Rahu, Nep and Ur. Sa card holds 6 and 7th cusps. I think it adds to a complete block and lack of romantic relationships in this life (thus far). Sa is only starved by Mo in my chart which makes it interesting....But potential for growth! I also have Sa in my 7th house in a bunch of vargas which adds to its blockage of that arena of life. 

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@scott-m-19 @kam  Which means that things should change in that regard after Saturn maturation, if not before. How old are you?

If you want to see the Jack of Spades energy in action I recommend you to look up Victor Borge, the Danish pianist/comedian, on YT. Very heartsy and nice, but at the same time with a tendency for cruelty. Harsh jokes. I spend some time with a Jack of Spades man here in Mexico, an elder and a healer, and he was incredible similar to Victor Borge, even physically! There happens to exist at least one video with him on YT so that you can judge yourself.

A very dual card, well, as any card I guess, in this case: all heart and at the same time a complete anarchist, not minding having to break a rule or too, and even stepping on people. Well, that´s my interpretation.


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I am 32. Would you say J of Spades is a very humorous card? My humor side really kicked in when my Me matured....When young and youthful, I was quite a prankster. too. Luckily, my Me is conjunct Ve in the 9th house and neither are conjunct Sun or combust. So, my humor has a kindly nature to it as it is never sarcastic or hurtful. 

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@scott-m-19 In a way yes. But a better word for to describe it would be youthfulness, as for all Jacks, and with that comes playfulness, of course. So more like a prankster, yes. Actually it´s really easy to conceptualize, just think of the Jacks as youthful, then combine it with the suit. So a young (Jack) very independent, self-reliant (spades) person, a young survivor (spades again), what does that give us? Well, all that you described in your previous post, and all the phases you went through.


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@scott-m-19 That's interesting how the J of Spades has manifested for you in more of a tangible sense. Probably because it's attached to your Ascendant. In my case, it has more of an impact on my psyche since it has my 12th cusp. The dark haired youth applies as I'm south asian, but the other things don't really (medical student, juvenile delinquent, youth in uniform, spy) etc. The thing about the Jack of Spades that resonates the most with me is that it's a card of survival, doing whatever it takes to survive another day mentally, psychologically, physically, Especially with that 3 of Spades in Pluto and 4 of Spades in Mercury. When I entered my 30's especially I've very much had the mentality of just trying to get through it, putting one foot in front of the other etc.  

I know what you mean about the 8 of Spades. Certain areas of life feel stuck and stagnant with this card's influence. But I think it's a good thing that you have Saturn there manifesting and protecting his own card. I have Neptune and the 5th and 6th cusps here. There have been periods in life where I feel so stuck in regards to work situations, and  relationships, and even health issues only for them to suddenly leave my system or disappear and be replaced with a new lease on life and a change of attitude. I think the 8 of Spades is a very mystical card once you break through the 7 of Spades limitations of it (setbacks, delays, accidents, unforseen problems etc.) that come with it being in Saturn's position. 

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Hey! I've only just started getting into the cards, I'm very much at total beginner level, but I'll try my best:
(9C birth card)

Saturn card - 2 of diamonds - with Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune there, and Mars as my AK - so this is a big theme and an on-going challenge. I believe I have a lot of karmic debt in here, because despite a lot of hard work and good intentions (to do what is aligned with my individuality, to serve others in the best way possible, to be of service, to be ethical, honest and diligent etc) material and financial sercurity has always been a challenge. At the same time, I've never been OK with doing "anything" for money, and I've always opted to sacrifice material security for more personal freedom. (Uranus). Saturn in the Saturn card is supposed to help, but there is a two-way starvation there with Mars so it doesn't feel like it helps a lot. I've however reached a point where I just accept it for what it is. I do my best, I work hard, I'm finally aligned with a career I'm truly passionate about, the results and "fruits" I leave up to God.
2D is also about "change of residence" - this one couldn't be more on-point. I moved abroad when I was 18, changed towns, flats, countries many times, my last big relocation was just this year - at the age of 36. Once again moved to a new country. I feel like I've lived a thousand lives. It's certainly not been the "fun and exciting" way of travelling but more of "looking for my place and being unable to find it". 

Rahu card - Jack of spades - a lot of my life has been about overcoming obstacles and challenges, not always on my own, but often on my own. As mentioned - lived abroad since I was 18, didn't know anybody wherever I moved, had to start from the bottom. Had to be humble and creative with my survival methods sometimes. Lots of issues with psychological and physical survival. 

Ketu card - 8 of clubs - I believe this is a big career and knowledge card. It certainly is what the plan was when I was a child and adolescent. Started school early since I was able to read and do basic math before the age of 4. Then got accepted early into the best maths school in my city. Everything came so easy - school, languages, playing the piano. I barely had to put effort into it (although I was also always diligent with homework and tests), and always thought (especially through parental conditioning) that I will have a prominent and prosperous career, based on intelligence. Ruler of my Ketu is debilitated and conjunct Rahu, so life definitely had other plans 🙂 

Uranus card - 4 of clubs - I have had "mysterious" and on-going health issues for a very long time. It was very frustrating how much the medical system kept failing me again and again. But at the same time, on my journey to figure out how to help myself, I also began a much bigger journey - learning about psychology, natural healing, astrology, all kinds of "alternative" knowledge. Which is of course, truly liberating and allowing me to get in touch with my own authenticity and honesty, to live life on my own terms. 

Neptune card - 10 of hearts - I believe this is meant to be experienced as "otherworldly/magical love", and I have certainly experienced that. Not so much in the traditional sense - through human relationships - but a profoundly blissful love when it comes to nature, animals, understanding the universe. I often have moments of inexplicable bliss and explosion of love when I learn Astrology through Ernst's teachings, for example, or when I'm embracing my pets. Sometimes when I listen to music as well.
When I imagine death I often think to myself "It's OK, I have experienced profound love in my life, if I die it would be a well-lived life". 

Pluto card -10 of diamonds - this one I'm not yet sure how to interpret. Other than the fact it has indeed been through the areas of finances and career achievements/failures that my ego has had many proper thorough bashings. 

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@nkan Wow, intense. Personally I feel mirrored, I must say. Have faith in God (which I´m sure that you have), with those wonderful future cards, goal cards, ambitions card or what to call them - the overlying card, the Ketu card and the Neptune card - how are you not going to find the base of the rainbow some day.

Maybe the overlying card should be mentioned too, in this context. What we naturally gravitate towards. 6D. Contentment with worldly things, take that!

I think that you describe your Saturn card really well, and your Rahu card seems to have given you quite a struggle. As it should, I suppose. Having left my homecountry Sweden for Chile, fought an ugly legal battle for the custody of my daughter there and then left for Mexio, I must say that I´m impressed by your courage and also instinct, someway knowing that these are the things that you are supposed to go through and that are needed for your growth. As indicated by the spread.

As for the Ketu card I smiled when I read the interpretation Ernst makes, according to my notes from the "foundation" course. Eights on the 9th place: "Limited version" (before maturation): "Things don´t seem to work out as they should. Living in a jungle. Obeying Murphy´s law. Being stuck in chaos." Once you get it: "Unlimited version": "I create the chaos I´m living in" The world points out our weakness. Chaos shows where I´m confused about myself." I smiled, as I said, because I felt it mirrored your words so precisely. 8 of Clubs is a huge acceptance card, letting go card, in a way opposite to the limited (ego) version of 9 of Clubs, that strives for perfection. 8 of Clubs is the doorstep into 9C obviously, the preparation state, and it says - ESPECIALLY in the Ketu position - that everything is good at it is, we are all brothers and sisters, let go, be a leaf in the wind. THEN, after a deep lesson in tolerance, faith and humility - you can become the 9 of Clubs that you want to be. (I also get the feeling that your mathematical mind helps you a lot, since not only your heart but also you intelligence help you to identify the goal. Like revealing the divine equation, I figure it make sense to you.) You have already been that autumn leave floating around in the wind for many years from what you tell and you have already had some glimpses of the Ketu maturation from what it seems. But wait and see... Wonderful things will happen. Although it has all to do with letting go, of course...

The Uranus card is not 4C but 4S. Sure in yourself. Little doubt in who you are, a banal understanding of your identity. "I was a math genius as a child, now I´m not, big deal, time changes, one changes." Helps you to overcome the JS challenges of course, you aren´t as lost in the world as you may seem at times. ALWAYS FIND A WAY BACK TO HOME, to yourself. My kid is an 8C and this is his Sun card, he has an extreme capacity (as 8C:s do) to get lost in the world and adapt. And 9C has it too. Always being at home, in a way.

The Neptune card 10C harmonizes so well with your overlying 6D - who needs worldly wealth when you have good relations to everyone and everything? - and with your Ketu card 8C - brotherhood with everyone, blending in, letting go of individuality/ego, who cares if I´m the winner or the looser, after all it´s Vishnu that wins and looses. I envision this card, this innermost vision of yours, like a constant flow of water that erodes the dirt that hinders you from become free... I don´t know if you´ve heard the Lakota phrase "Mitakuye Oyasin", utteres every time you enter a sweat lodge for example. "For all my relations." Which of course refers to ALL our relations; also to the stones, the trees, the wind, the clouds and the stars. That could be your mantra. Mitakuye Oyasin.

The Pluto card 10D: When it comes to 10s Ernst teaches a trick: Check the Eclipse card. 6D, which is also your overlying card. So it works on your fulfillment when it comes to worldly things. First remember that 6D is the devil card; feminine, a feeling about what to avoid. So it protects you quite well while moving around, you have a knack for choosing wisely what you connect to. That´s 6D as the EC. Now, as a Pluto card - your 10D vibrates strongest in 6D - it´s a very sweet story: Pluto teaches you through things that actually works. Ernst gives an example what 6D might be: a good advicer for example. I´d add: a spirituality that works. Astrology that works, not so much for the technical aspects of it as the values it represents. It´s a very sweet, nice Pluto card; tens always find a way around the problems and as said, your ten vibrates strongly in 6, which is a freebie in that position.

This reminds me so much about my own 5C challenge and path, and for a reason: Your BC is my Saturn card. So just like your challenge is to find the truth, the ideal world, rather than the idealism of the world. Both are strong ego killer cards.


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Some additional thought on your Uranus card, 4S. The Uranus card is so strong, it represents our core in a way, the inner child I believe. It really propels us forward, leaving us with no choice but to be that way. With 4S you stand strong in the hurricane, whatever. Wanting to be small and vulnerable perhaps, but no - when the wind blows over, 4S still stands there, just brushes it off. The really threat comes from within. Four has a 7 within, through cuadration - 16 end up being 7. So stagnation is what kills the 4. It´s easy to see why you don´t have any choice but to take on life´s challenges, because if you don´t you will crumble. Stagnate. Advancing in life you get access to the one within the four: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 =10=1. So in any case you are going to undergo  crisis and transformation, either by taking risks (JS) and facing life´s challenges or through stagnation.


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Ah, and also it´s interesting how yur Jupiter starved by Venus avastha is mirrored in your cards as well, since your Saturn card is about disconnection to worldly things. No dependence on worldly things. Which is towards you are gravitating anyway, all by yourself: 6D as the overlying card. "Happy with what I´ve got." So it tends to be quite a nice journey. You just have to rediscover your true nature and capacity.

Your nice Pluto card tells you to discover who you really are through true abundance, that is:  "love what is", not being dependent. Being receptive to good things in life. Why "who you really are?" Because Pluto is the tools that life uses to make the Uranus card, the inner diamond, shine, so Pluto teaches you to become self-assue, authentic, true to your essence (Four of spades, the little tree, "I am who I am"), and the lesson is through trust in life, "God provides" and contentment with your share.


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@staffan yes I have much to learn about the system, I haven't even started studying the overlayings cards. The "8s on the 9th place" description really resonates indeed. I blame nobody but myself for the chaos of my life so far, it has been a struggle to figure out what I really want. And that has been painful because Sun is my lagna and janma lord and is exalted so my soul has been craving a firm focus and direction since I was very young, "a kingdom" to dedicate all my love and energy and self-sacrifice on (KH), but you can't force these things. I've had many a self-abnegation crises: "how can you be ___ years old and still not know what you want to do with your life?!" 🙂 Ultimately the problem is my extremism - what I want is a utopian world, where nobody is cruel or unjust or ignorant, where humans live in harmony with nature and animals etc etc and it has been a life-long journey to accept and "admit defeat" - that this is not the world I live in and it will never be. 
As you said with the 4S description - it's not that I don't know who I am, I know my values and principles, and my worldview in its core hasn't changed since I was a child, just the subtleties of how that  general view translates into the real world. THAT has indeed been radically evolving. The struggle really is to see where me, as a human in a human body and with my human limitations and desires, fits into this complex and flawed world. Always feeling out of place, on the wrong planet, in the wrong species. 

I went back to the Jaimini courses recently, and I more and more see the Ketu theme in my life now, confirmed by the cards. I have Ketu in my swamsa and it's in the 5th from my AK in Rasi as well - as Ernst says it gives you this idea of a divine order, that there are no "accidents" in life really, and of course this is what draws me to Astrology. 

Thank you for the generous and insightful analysis, I will be rereading it many times over as I'm studying in the coming months 🌼 

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@nkan Not sure it gives you any comfort, but time helps 9:s through. It´s all about giving up illusions, not loosing faith in God in the process.

How´s your Saturn?


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@staffan Saturn is in Capricorn together with exalted Mars - so full starvation there both ways. Also together with Uranus and Neptune. 17 points starvation from Sun, no starvation from Moon, 40 points delight from Venus. 
the LA and PAC courses have really helped me deal better with the Mars Saturn conjunction.

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@staffan quick question - what do you look for more to determine the main theme and outcome of the year spread - the yearly eclipse card or the yearly "birth card"? (attached photo)

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@nkan The EC would be the "theme", things that life is going to throw at you. The yearly BC as you call it - is that what Ernst calls it? Good name. - is more the vibe, the way to go about it, the attitude. That´s how I see it.

And then anything that vibrates with your birth spread and/or the progressed spread becomes important as a theme too. Especially cards repeated of course, but also other connections, to a degree. Like if you have one red Ace, let´s say, in your BC, and the other red Ace shows up in the year spread, etc.

Nice EC for you this year - the highest vibration!


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@staffan it's just a name a came up with, I haven't really come across a video where Ernst talks about this card yet. 

But I'm confused - which is the card you refer to as the "year card"? 

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@nkan I meant the EC, sorry, it was too early in the morning. The EC is the theme. It´s the other one that we should call the year card, of course. No need for more confusion, I agree.

I´m gonna change the previous comment so that it becomes clear for anyone who reads it from now on.


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@staffan got it, thank you. I haven't watched all the courses so I genuinely didn't know the proper names.

I heard 9D is one of the astrologer cards - fitting that unknowingly, I decided to become an astrologer during this year 🙂 I genuinely believe that in life even when we think we've "messed up" and "took the wrong road", nothing is actually a mistake as such, all part of a greater purpose. That's what I prefer to believe, at least.. 

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@nkan Interesting. I wonder whether you have any career planets falling in that card? Remember nines resonates strongly in Kings, so 9D is a reminder about your Mercury card and what it wants to achieve. Any cusps or Jaimini indications in that card?

Your EC repeats also next year, indicating that it´s a strong theme in this period of your life, coinciding with your Saturn maturation.


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@staffan Ketu is a career planet for me and it falls in the Mercury (KD) card in the birth spread. As for cusps, 2nd, 3rd and 12th fall there. 

Yeah, I hope I make it alive through my Saturn maturation. Ernst says this is a dangerous period for those of us with the Saturn Mars conjunction. Fingers crossed, eh?

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@nkan Fingers crossed! Ernst has it and he´s still around...

But it´s always good to contemplate the fragility of life, I guess.

I´m a little confused though; I don´t remember that we consider the nodes as career planets, more like an adjusting factor like Rahu for new technology etc. Please explain!

(With that said: Ketu of course indicates that you have inherent knowledge in the indicated field, so inherent knowledge about KD things and 3rd cusp things. Sounds like at least half an astrologer out-of-the-box to me.)


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@staffan Ketu in swamsa (or with AK in the Rasi chart) can indicate careers related to mathematics, numerology etc. Rahu - as you said cutting edge technology, or poisons/toxins. E.g. Allopathic and homeopathic practitioners need Rahu as a career planet or related to them somehow.

Planets in the Lagna in the Rasi chart can also be career indicators. I have a relative who has Moon and Mercury together in Virgo in the 1st house and works in a healing profession. (they are not with the AK) 

In that sense Moon can also be considered a career planet for me as it's in the lagna, and falls in the Sun card - 9S.

My main career planets though are Mars, Venus and Ketu. 
