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Mercury in the 3rd Bhava- Death and Discernment?

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Hi Ernst,

In one of your card videos, you mentioned that when someone has Jupiter in the third house, they often are given knowledge of when they're going to die- usually through doctors informing them of how long they can expect to live with a certain diagnosis or illness, for instance. I believe you said this is because Jupiter represents doctors and wisdom, while the 3rd Bhava has to do with difficulties and long journeys, as well as death and discernment in terms of the time of death for a person as well as the nature of death can strongly be indicated by the 3rd house. I'm curious to know if a similar sort of rule would also apply to someone with Mercury in their 3rd house, since Mercury is another source of manifesting strength in Jaimani, similar to Jupiter.

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3515
Joined: 12 years ago

No, its just jupiter. 

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@kam Do you remember what video this was? I have Jupiter in the 3rd. I will let you know if this happens to me but hopefully not anytime soon, lol. 

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Honorable Member
Posts: 350

@rhiannon I actually cannot for the life of me remember (Jupiter + Rahu in my 8th house problems) but I believe it was either in one of the Cards of Truth Foundation courses or in the Concrete and Practical Meanings of the Cards courses. I'll let you know if I come across it again!

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Posts: 694

@rhiannon I wouldn´t be too worried if it happened. I don´t know how many persons I´ve met who have had their upcoming death predicted by doctors, or that the child growing in their womb is going to become a freak, without any of these events becoming true. One close friend had TWO specialists in DIFFERENT fields telling her to get prepared for the inevitable. She was going to die of cancer AND heartdisease, within a few months. That was more than ten yours ago, as far as I know she´s still alive and kicking.

All I say is: Doctors...

