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Recognizable cards proving the system works

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I have a Five of Diamonds son and have developed a special eye for that card. Over and over again I´ve been able to guess the right BC for Five of Diamonds persons and I´m seldom mistaken. I just read about a hockey player with adaptation problems, not seeing himself as a problematic person; "I´m just a person that asks ´why?´" When I saw that I said to myself: "If he´s not a Five of Diamonds I will eat my star-spangled cone hat", but little risk, of course he was a Five of Diamonds, born on January 22. (Josh Ho-Sang, playing for Toronto Maple Leafs now. Reborn as a hockeyplayer after a session in Sweden where a coach asked HIM what HE wanted.)

I guess this goes for mosts spreads; when you really get to know it it´s quite quite possible to pick out a person with that card from of a crowd. I think it could even be statistically proved, if someone had any interest of doing that. I have a quite mathemathical mind and have studied math on a decent level, and I can say the statistical probability for this capacity of mine, to recognize a Five of Diamonds, is approaching one in a million or more.

My point? I´m still in awe over this system´s accuracy.


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Ernst Wilhelm
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I have seen people do better work with the cards than with astrology time after time. I had a student, she is passed now as she was about 70 when she started to study with me. She had studied the cards for years and had a little book that had all the cards spreads in it for each year for each card, so she could instantly look at anyone's spread and current spread. I would go shopping with her and she would say to person at the checkout store, I bet you are a six of diamonds, what's your birthday? And they would tell her, and she would say, yep, tis a six of diamonds, then do a mini reading for them really quick and instantly rattle off a few predictions for the year. Back in the late 90s I did some trades in readings with a guy who had done the system for years. His readings were better in prediction than any vedic astrology reading I ever had and that was without any planets in the spread!

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@ernst yes this would be amazing!  I would love to get to that point, bring it current and  whip out a little phone app that had all of this like the 70 year old student.  Is this something we can do or in the works?  I would happily help usher it along  in anyway.  I don't program but if you need an app developer, I may have someone.

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Do you mean that you've seen some people do much better with the cards than with astrology or that in general people tend to do better with the cards than they do with astrology?

If it's the latter, do you think it's because (astrologically speaking) you need fewer factors to do well with cartomancy than you do for astrology?

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Ernst replied to me in an email about the cards:

The cards are great for making predictions down to the year and 52 day windows within the year. Its possible to time to shorter periods but then it gets very difficult, just like with astrology. They are also good for analyzing a lot of the character and psychology. The good thing is that there is a lot of cross over information, so much of what you learn with astrology applies to cards and vice versa. Also, by casting cards its much easier to answer direct questions.


Cards are a great way to do a reading as far as really helping a person. I would not say astrology is necessarily harder, its just that there is so much BS to wade through, so much stuff that only works so well, so many controversies, that its much harder than it has to be. I hope to streamline all that down to really useable methods in the next few years.




Ernst Wilhelm
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@francesca The timing system of the cards just works really well. Its a lot easier than vimshottari and there are not so many factors to look at as with transits.

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What card was he? ????  I bet he had a 9 of Diamonds going on on some prominent place.

Good idea with the book but a lot of work, 2340 spreads in total. I will pick up that idea though, there will be a post about it. Maybe we could do a joint effort. Could be done automatically of course but I don´t know if it´s worth the programming. Or who would do it.

For the birth spread you don´t even need a book if you learn the alphabet, of course. Quite a party trick, being able to tell everyone about their main treats just knowing their birth day whether it was before or after sunrise.


Ernst Wilhelm
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THe person who is making the mac kala will be making apps for us as soon as the mac kala is done. 

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This happened to me recently with an author I was reading. I kept thinking that this person must be a 7 of Spades due to the reoccurring themes of their short stories, so I looked them up. It turns out they are a 5 of Diamonds, with the 7 of Spades as their Mercury card.

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@kam I notice the same thing about authors (and some screen artists) and their Mercury placement, though I have yet to focus heavily on cards.

So with me, I am noticing that the themes, images, and settings in their work reflect the nakshatra and rashi that their Mercury is in.

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@mitryendra80 That's fascinating. I met a developer, years ago, who told me that everywhere they went, they saw the world as an object (javascript). I thought they were a weirdo at the time, but I get it now through the cards and astrology.

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@kam What author would it be? Could have been Chekhov, I guess... I´d like to read him (or her); I´m running a 7 of Spades year (laziest year ever...), my daughter is a 7 of Spades, one of my sons is 5 of Diamonds. (And yes, they both have this austerity to them that I guess we are talking about.)



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@meyes Alice Munro; She is a short fiction novelist that has won many awards. There was another author before that, Milan Kundera, where I actually guessed right. He is, in fact, a 7 of Spades. After reading "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" again (after many years), I was convinced.

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@kam TY. I´ve heard about her of course, very famous. Haven read her though, not yet. I´ll keep an eye open! I´m really curious about 7 of Spades, since it´s so important for two of my kids; well, it´s even my daughters birth card as i told you. Milan Kundera´s expression "the unbearable..." I often use during reading, but I had not related it to that BC. But I can see it reflected in their

- 2 of Spades Venus card - they really look for simplicity

- Their Uranus card, 10 of Clubs; everything practical comes easy to them.

- And, perhaps above all, their Mars card, J of Diamonds: They always find a new possibility, a new diamond, but loose their interest for it instantly. THAT´S the "unbearable" experience in a nutshell, I think. Easily bored, one could say.

- And of course their Mercury card, 4 of Hearts also contribute: They are emotionally stable, nothing really gets them going.

So yeah... I mean, it must be so, since it´s Milan Kundera´s BC.


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Posted by: @meyes

So yeah... I mean, it must be so, since it´s Milan Kundera´s BC.

It's funny that you use this phrase because it's actually a line that gets repeated throughout the book... "Muss es sein? Es muss sein!" (Must it be? It must be so!).

I think his explanation of the "unbearableness" from the book rounds out the melancholy of the 7 of Spades well. It made that particular aspect of the card click for me: 

"In a world in which lives are shaped by irrevocable choices and by fortuitous events, a world in which everything occurs but once, existence seems to lose it's substance, it's weight. Hence, we feel "the unbearable lightness of being"..." 

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@kam Ah.... That´s another entrance to the expression. Everything seems ad hoc, therefore it lacks any meaning... It may seem.

Yes, that was really funny, what you tell us about "Es muss sein!". Especially since I haven´t read the book. Even though I´ve had it in my hand on several occasions with the intention of reading it; I guess it didn´t quite appeal to me after all and that my understanding of "the unbearable"-expression is more coloured by my own Mercury card: 7 of Diamonds. ("This world is nothing but an illusion.")

