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Amelie: The 4 of Clubs Pluto card; so Ernst says (wasn´t that in the foundation course); that with a four there life kind of throws in a rock into your life and there it lies, year after year, and you have to accept it, and that way your ego is being worked on. That´s how I remember his words. And exactly that way it has worked for me, but Leela tells another story.

Leela: So no rock have been thrown into your life, like having to work as a secretary for 15 year or something like that?

Very true what you say about the 7 of Diamonds not being a 9 of Hearts; rather it opens up for that experience, but after experiencing all the losses. It´s very much about renouncing material things I guess, I used to own a house and a car, now I live in a humble apartment mostly because of the kids, otherwise I wouldn´t have a home and gravitate around the globe.

I forgot to mention that I feel that 5 of Clubs have a weak spot that you should all be aware about, at least 5 of Clubs men have: the charmer (J of Hearts) on the Venus card. It´s a perfect recipe for a spoiled kid, used to get away with bad behaviour thanks to a nice smile. Maybe that´s different for a 5 of Clubs woman though.


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With that said - about the charming side of the 5 of Clubs, us getting away with things - it´s also true that we DO find forgiveness in an authentic way. Because of an innate innosense. 7 of Hearts on the Mars card; the relation is miraculously saved in the last moment. But there´s a very thin edge there between manipulation and true innosense I think. I wonder if there is another spread causing more confusion around itself?

5 of Clubs is all about honesty. To get through as a 5 of Clubs you have to dare to challenge yourself in that sense. After all it´s the truth-seeker, and the deepest truth lies within, of course. And as all five it´s on the verge - it can go either way.

The edge of confusion is also the edge of truth and clarity...


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Nice... What first catches my interest is your psychic ability. I guess that´s reflected in your 9 of Diamond Jupiter card; which leads me to think about how this system really works... Jupiter is something avoided, right? And so is, in a way, the Mars card and definitely the Saturn card. But when a cusp or a planet is there, it still indicates a relation with that thing, right? So for example Mercury with 9D should be seen as an indication for psychic ability, even though it´s in the "averted card". How do you look at that; and what is it that is being averted? According to the foundation course it´s about "working on the divine connection" and an indication for delays with that. The 5th position is a struggling position. So you DON´T connect to the divine, until you (later in life) do... It´s contradictorios, but as Ernst also says: "Astrology - welcome to the world of contradictions!"

So what I suggest is that your planets and cusps in the 9 of Diamonds indicate a divine connection, as manifested by your orientation towards spirituality and your psychic ability, but that you on the same time has had to struggle to fully embrace the spiritual approach; basically to fully embrace divinity.

What do you say about that Amelie?


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Hi, I recently started studying the COT course so I'm a newbe working my way through the material and loving every minute of it.  My BC is seven of spades with an EC Queen of Hearts! I really had my work cut out for me this lifetime but I'm a soldier (Mars atmakaraka) with more years behind me than in front so experience counted for everything.... ???? 


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@nikki. My daughtero is Seven of Spades. What can I say? Do you want to tell us something about your spread Nikki? Maybe not ready yet?


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@meyes. Perhaps not yet: I want to learn more first. 

But what I would say to you that as her father, allow her to find her own way and be there for her when those challenging times come with a willing ear and a soothing tone. You will see her grow and evolve into a wise and very different person from when she was younger.  She may even age backwards in her appearance too! ???? 


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@nikki Yes, I´m standing by, hoping that she will return soon. But she also has a Ketu/Moon-conjunction, so dealing with strong emotion isn´t easy. Except for the other indications of strong integrity and being private that are indicated in the spread.



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@meyes  Ketu/Moon is very challenging (btw, I'm the other end with Rahu/Moon) and she will be unusually connected to the past and a past life, also perhaps issues surrounding her Mother that took place at a very young age: and often they are unaware of these influences and how they have affected their psyche. 

With your knowledge and insight, when the right time presents itself, you can help bring this understanding to her awareness (she will need to be the initiator - listen to her carefully and you will see the queue), thereby beginning the process of inner healing and, of healing for all those whom she loves and who love her as well.  It can be a long process so hang in there. Both she and you will endure and see the light at the end of the tunnel.  You both are much stronger than you think. Always look up...

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@nikki  Yes... It has already been a lot longer process than I expected, but of course with these tools it´s easier for me to understand her. I know that her intention is to come to see me, but her clock is ticking really slowly. But yes, all I can do is to respect her pace, pray for her and wait. Thank you Nikki!


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I just saw a biographic television show with an actor who tells about his life. Themes: playful (he played Mozart in a stage version of "Amadeus" and had a huge breakthrough in that role), loves kids, has ruined a marriage and feel guilty for his bad behaviour; living several years abroad, being a very present father but at a physical distance. And I come to realize: "He must be a 5 of clubs like me!" I look up her birthday, and indeed...

It´s fascinating how possible, even easy, it is to guess a person´s card! It happens to me a lot.

Also there was a theme for each day in this program, the person in focus choses it. And he choses simplicity as a theme; he takes his friends to the forest to pick some mushrooms and have a brunch, they play a little tennis... Very simple, "since the best things in life are for free". Very 5 of clubish too!

(Amelie (she´s Swedish like me) - Stjärnorna på Slottet, Philips Zandén)



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