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Sun-Earth Axis

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(@Anonymous 25129)
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi Ernst,


In your recent YouTube video you emphasised the importance of the Sun-Earth axis - in particular the necessity of transferring the power of our lives more to the Sun-Earth axis and ‘not’ to the environment (Rahu-Ketu axis)


This is because the Sun represents the Self, while the Rahu-Ketu axis is how we journey through this life ie. the potential for the environment to dictate what should be really dictated from the Self (the King of the Kingdom)


My question is what if our Sun-Earth axis and Rahu-Ketu axis are actually the same? My Sun and Ketu are conjunct (Gemini in the 12th)


It seems to me that this would mean our environment would mirror/ be in alignment with what our Soul is needing for its evolution, so like a blessing, is this correct?


Thank you, Jonathon

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

This is a really complex question. yes, the environment and the self are aligned, but, at the same time, the self becomes very influenced by the environment. So the self does a lot of things because of the environmental influences and not because those things are necessarily coming from them. I really suggest watching the Ketu conjunct sun video. 

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(@Anonymous 25129)
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi Ernst, where about would I find that video? 

I’ve had a look at some videos in the Rahu/Ketu courses but not sure exactly which video you’re referring to. 

^Is it kinda like rowing downstream, the danger is not to row because the streams going that way anyway, but if you just sit back and go with it then when the rapids hit you got no strength to veer?

Also, with that Sun-(&mercury)-Ketu conjunction being in the 12th house, this would indicate I’m returning this life with a Self that was basically liberated, and so egoically I ‘and my environment’ are both tending me towards dissolution into the ‘I am’, but with Rahu in the 6th its anything but this meditative lifestyle I have as my mission, correct? how do I balance this? Is it like a Yogi/monk Ketu and like a rapper ( ???? ) Rahu (being in Jyestha)? Cheers Ernst 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Thats in the cards course. I will probably post the main videos from that short course on the astrology site in a couple of days, will let you know... 

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Hi Ernst,

Just to clarify, are you referring to the Fulfillment Strengths of the Planets cards course for the Ketu conjunct Sun video?

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Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

@kam no, the healing rahu and ketu course.

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Posts: 349

@ernst Ahh okay, Thanks Ernst!

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