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Venus card for men / Jupiter card for women

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The planets have been up there for a much much longer time than humanity.

The biology of the humans is a work in slow progress. The hormonal and sexual systems took many many thousands of years to develop.

Personally I don´t think that a deep change is possible within a few generations. It would take a much much longer time, and the foundation of what is feminine and masculine is there from the beginning and will never change, of course.

A sign to keep an eye on: Even if we see many women choose independence - and I don´t criticize them - do we see them getting fulfillment? I see - but that´s subjective, of course - a lot of women who has chosen independence, abortion, childlessness etc and that now express frustration, anger and even hatred. Not saying that it´s the whole picture, of course.


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Posted by: @leela

Nice job not actually addressing the content of what I wrote though. 

Being sarcastic is not the best way of convincing anyone, at least not be, that you are happy and fulfilled Leela.


Ernst Wilhelm
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This is a sensitive topic. Its a deep topic with only generations of bad examples. A few points

Women had to become independent because in the old world women's feelings were not respected. A woman could be in love with healing, and not be allowed to practice medicine! So many things a woman could feel strongly about and have to sit and do nothing. Can you imagine that! And they were also not very much allowed to have feelings about anything other than kids and cooking and how they felt was not something really important to a lot of men. So this world of a woman's feelings, which come with that magical thing called female intuition, was not present enough in our world. So women had to become able on themselves in order to be able to say, I CAN FEEL whatever I WANT, because I am not dependent. This whole woman's lib thing is not about liberating woman to work, it's about liberating them to follow their feelings and to be able to demand that their feelings are respected because there is no one who is more important than their feelings, whereas before, the person who fed them was more important than their feelings. So now we are in a place where woman do not have to stuff their feelings so that they don't starve, and now its for woman to start to respect their own feelings 100%. Thats the key right now. So many woman, I hear it constantly, I could feel that I should not have... but I did it ANYWAY. So ladies, time to use your inner guidance system fully. And what do us men have to do, we just have to respect that. Its part of the wonder of having women around. We won't understand it, don't try to, just watch, listen, and be impressed. If you are a guy and you are getting involved with woman and having problems with her, its for two reasons, one is she is not listening to her feelings and two is that your not man enough to handle the girl you picked. We are really in an interesting time of woman to become more full woman and men to become more full men. IN the old days being a man and woman was easy. Men did that, woman did that  - do it and your a great man and a great woman. But to be a FULL man and FULL woman, that is a hard scary thing that we are learning to do and until we get it right we are going to have a lot of intense learning experiences. What is important is to keep on loving, find the love in the situation. Don't be a man hater, don't think woman are crazy, don't close yourself off and shut your heart down, work on yourself, as soon as you make a breakthrough, you will make a breakthrough in the person you attract. we are all just learning a way of self and relating that has not been offered to humanity in over 2000 years. 

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I know Ernst, and I´m clumsy in my way of saying it. And yes, it´s the womens´ journey and they are free to go whereever they want to; to find themselves or (temporarily) loose themselves, that is their choice. I agree.

But it is frustrating to stand at the side seeing a lot of bad choices and not being able to say anything about it. "It´s not going to give you fulfillment, sister!" Doesn´t change anything; it´s still her journey and if she hasn´t asked for advice...

Sometimes they communicate though: "This is so cool, we are being so liberated!" Then it´s hard not to say "hrm" at least... But I guess one shouldn´t. Let them be.

I´m into the CoT right now and I use this discussion to  realize how my 9 of Clubs Saturn card constantly gets stuck in the idea of ideal and perfection, all the shoulds of the world. "A woman should..." for example. Yeah, sure, haha!

More Byron Katie for me; for all Five of Clubs!

Thank you Ernst, thank you Leela!


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@leela Which vedic astrology confirms, I think, seeing Mars as one of the karakas for motherhood. It´s a very masculine experience indeed, energetically wise. Activity, giving away. I was in awe when I realized that vedic astrology captures that.

I sometimes look at an inner movie where a masculine man gets the task of carrying and nurturing a child; to see how he changes into a woman is really interesting. And v.v. The bodies are just vessels related to the survival of the species, but of course we gain wisdom and experience from each body/lifetime that we´ve been granted. As a Five of Clubs - sorry, I´m coming back to it - I have the sensation of having been a woman in previous lifetimes. (Five of Hearts underlying card.) We are all the same. Still, on an earthly level, we cannot run away from other limitations. Maybe we can get lifted out of them, but it takes a lot of honesty.


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