Whenever I see the Ace of Spades come up for me lately, it's come with the message of "you're stronger than you think." And it always comes as a surprise to me because I'm prone to catastrophizing things, especially related to my health. I too have Rahu in the 8th house so my fears can trigger a "the sky is falling." reaction in my body.
Here is a passage from my notes on the Ace of Spades from Ernst's teachings that really resonates with my experience of this card:
"The Ace of Spades has to do with the mind. The minute we think, I, we are dealing with the Ace of Spades. I is a mental construct of the mind. Why do we worry? Because the mind has constructed the idea that something will go wrong. Why are we scared? Because we have a lack of faith. Why do we have a fear of death? Because the mind has identified with this construct of the body, and therefore, we fear death. All these things that the mind has created a construct of that's going to be threatened by life, that's going to be Ace of Spades."