Since 1-9 are divided into 3 sections by principles of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, does it also make sense to you that each number in the 1/3 division represents the same and thus we get something like:
1 - creative aspect of creation (new)
2 - sustaining aspect of creation (management)
3 - destructive aspect of creation (growth)
4 - creative aspect of sustaining (establishing frameworks)
5 - sustaining aspect of sustaining (adaptation)
6 - destructive aspect of sustaining (sustaining by discernment and choice)
7 - creative aspect of destroying (moving on and accepting change)
8 - sustaining aspect of destroying (tapping into inner power and waiting for manifestation)
9 - destructive aspect of destroying (going beyond)
At least 4 and 5 seem counterintuitive to me. I didn´t say wrong, but I´d need time to wrap my head around it.
Four is all about stability, which sounds like "sustaining aspect of sustaining", and five is about finding new ways, so that would be creative.
Interesting idea though, and it might be that you are right.
Also I don´t see the 6 being about discernment and choice. To me that´s exactly what the 5s are about. The judgement and justice cards in the Tarot deck. I know it by personal experience from being a 5 and having a 5 son. Always looking for the best option in every situation, with the risk for intolerance lurking.
Number 4 - 6 don´t work for me.
I think there is bug with the forum. My replies disappear when I edit them and save.
Love the analogy. I can also see the exaltation of the planets in what you described.