There is a journey abroad that I need to undertake in the coming weeks but I've been extremely apprehensive about it. I've been dreading it for the last 3 months, trying to figure out if I should do what I "have" to (go) or do what I want to (not go). I keep fearing that something very bad will happen if I go - injury or death. That being said, I've been a fearful person for the past few years (due to trauma), and especially so since Saturn entered my 8th house a year ago. Natal Rahu in the 8th doesn't help.
I decided to do a simple check with the cards. The Ace of Spades card keeps coming up - the first time it fell out on its own, the second time two cards fell out, Ace of Spades again together with my Birth card - 9 of clubs.
My intuition is telling me this is a sign not to go, but considering all my phobias, I really don't know if I'm just adapting the interpretation to align with my fears.
Would anyone care to offer a perspective on the AS card coming up in regards to a journey?
Thank you in advance 🌺
Ace of spades is not a dangerous card, it's a card of self discovery, so usually a card to follow up on.
That's an Ace of Spades experience.
the ace of spades also relates to the moon card in the major arcana.
Ace of Spades is the little plant breaking through the ground, so it´s a card that reveals secrets. As Ernst says: What you are telling is very much an Ace of Spades experience. I just thought I should explain why.
Ace of Spades is one of my dearest cards, personally, since it´s my Moon card. Five of Clubs has the tendency to be struck down by life over and over again, and every time Ace of Spades brings us back to life again. Each time a little wiser, hopefully, since Ace of Spades is dwelling in the darkness and breaks out into the light.