Hi Ernst and everyone,
I was pulling some cards for a friend who wanted to know if someone specific was reading her blog.
One of the cards I pulled was the 3 of Hearts. In my mind this card makes sense to represent the blog itself because the 3 of Hearts is something you love that you're sharing with the universe (therefore flying apart from it) and making the world a better place somehow.
Is this off base?
P.S- I didn't do a formal spread, just pulled a few cards, Jack of Spades style 🙂
the meaning of the card really depends on what position the card was pulled for. 3 of hearts could mean that the person is married or with someone else that she is asking about. who knows, so much depends on what position the card was for.
Also remember Ernst´s earlier advice not to put a yes/no-question to the cards. If you narrow it down like that, also to my experience, the cards may not answer or answer in a tricky, kind of funny way. It´s kind of like a cat, craves it´s freedom... A pendulum is better for yes/no-questions I´d say, although my experience is limited.
And the other option would be to just play with the cards; if something pops out spontaniously it´s more likely a relevant answer.