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Feb 01, 2021 10:06 pm
I made a reading yesterday for a woman with a legal issue. It then stroke me how few legal indications there are in the list of concrete meaning. 5 of Diamonds is a legal matter and Ace of Clubs might be a document being signed. Some of the face cards may represent a lawyer.
Could 4 of Diamonds possibly be an indication of the law supporting you? In this case on the favorable 6th position in a Light on a star-spread.
2 Replies
Feb 01, 2021 11:09 pm
4 of diamonds would indicated that the case is a legitimate case.
Feb 01, 2021 11:26 pm
Which is true! The dad ran away with the three-year-old son telling her that she would never see her again.
A great reading with tough spades in the beginning as you would expect, and a wonderful 8 of Diamond as an outcome card.