Six of Spades in "G...
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Six of Spades in "Going Against You" position

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I did my first card casting yesterday for a friend. I have been doing tarot for the last 4 years so I learned the COT card meanings pretty swiftly. I have to say that my reading was remarkably easier to do, and more precise, than any tarot reading I have ever done! I just love the COT system and am so happy to have decided to study it.

I did the Light on a Star spread and I can see how the "Going Against You" position can be challenging to decipher if you get what is considered a good card there. My querent asked about finding love and the Six of Spades was in the Going Against You position. 

I would love to get some feedback on how others would have read that card?

I felt that maybe it was saying that the querent did not believe they were psychologically "healed" enough to be in a relationship and this belief was stopping them from attracting love?

I also considered the card was saying that they have Not done enough psychological healing to be in a relationship. But then I thought that if the cards wanted me to read it that way then wouldn't they have just put a 3, 5, 7, or 8 of spades there? 

Btw, everything else in the spread was pretty positive. No other spades and they even got the Two of Hearts in the immediate future position!

Would love to hear how others would interpret this and also any other experiences interpreting positive cards in the Going Against You place.

I have a feeling this will be the position that confuses me the most, so if anyone else wants to share other card interpretations when in this position, I would love to ponder them!



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Fun! I find deciphering card spreads fascinating! It's my understanding that the "Going For You" and the "Going Against You" cards are meant to be read together as a tandem, so It might make it easier to share both cards to get a more accurate interpretation.

Without knowing the "going for you card" my take is that since the black sixes represent the Lovers card in the Tarot deck, perhaps the querent's definition of "love" itself is proving to be a hang-up for them in that their expectations for finding love through a relationship is too high or unrealistic. 


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@kam Thank you I did not know they should be read in tandem. I am looking at the Light on a Star diagram in the Manual and card 6 is "Others that are helpful" so this must be the Going For You card? That was the 7 of clubs. 

I will attach a picture of the spread. Not the fanciest picture but it was a spur of the moment reading while Skyping my friend. 🙂

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@rhiannon No worries! I also didn't know this until I came across the info from Ernst in one of his videos. I didn't realize there was a manual. Will have to dig around for that later. I don't remember which video it was exactly (Rahu in 8th house problems ????) but I believe it may have been in one of the practical meanings of the cards videos. Anyways, in the video Ernst states that ideally, to get the best interpretation, the "Should do" card (10 of Diamonds) should be read in tandem with the "Going for you" card (7 of Clubs) and the "Going Against You" card (6 of Spades). This is because the "Should do" card is the action they should proceed with and the other two cards are the consequences of proceeding with those actions. 

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@kam Wow this will help me so much with interpreting my readings. Thanks! Ok so 10 of Diamonds is about improving on self worth so that will lead to the 6 of spades and 7 of clubs as consequences. This is exciting. Makes me want to do another reading and try it out!


The Manual is under the Reading the Little Book Course page, the link is at the top.

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I think of a ‘good’ card as a pat on the back after hardships. It is time to practice gratitude for having avoided worst case scenarios, assess the past, and enjoy the downtime to rejuvenate oneself, because the tide always turns.

6 of Spades is a card of stable growth and follows from the 5 of Spades. In tarot, it represents moving away from stormy waters into calmer ones. I am assuming that they have recently been through some upheavals in life? If so, perhaps it is time for them to enjoy the calm before the next storm, as the next card will be the 7 of Spades.

The querent asked about love. If the querent is feeling the desire for love in their life, the energy is on its way. A desire for something always brings with it some chaos. Some things have to be let go of to allow space for new things. Is the querent really ready for those type of changes yet?

The best thing at the moment is to give that love to themselves and to figure out what went wrong in the past and what they would like to change for the future. This way when the energy comes around, they will be better able to judge its value.

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@manisha Thank you! That was a really beautiful interpretation. Yes, she had recently gone through a hard time + huge healing that she had to travel a long way to receive. She overcame a lot so I also read it that way that the positive card there was saying that she had overcome a lot and now with the two of hearts in the immediate future position perhaps she is ready to make a significant connection with someone. 

I did question my interpretation though, after the reading, because I want to make sure I am not one of those readers who ignores hard things in the spread and only shares good news! I like the way you stated your interpretation because it was a mix of positive and also the suggestion for deeper inquiry 🙂

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@rhiannon  Bad experiences always bring growth. I prefer to see the silver lining in the dark cloud because it gives something for a person to hold on to while going through difficult times. But I also believe in being proactive so that the same mistake is not repeated, thus avoiding further hurt from the same issue. Just telling them that the future is going to be rosy does not help them bridge the gap from where they are to where they need to be.

The spread is beautiful. The action card at the bottom (10 of Diamonds) talks about finding their own value. After going through a painful period, our self-worth comes into question in our own mind. If it is not resolved, we bring in a similar or worse experience.

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I think it´s easier and more obvious: It´s her independence getting in the way for her bonding to a potential partner.

Remember Ernst´s teaching about a man needing appreciation for his masculine side for to bond. If the woman doesn´t give him space for that there will be no relationship. "I don´t need you!" - not a good message from a woman who wants to bond to a man.

A major dilemma of our time I´d say. How many women are ready to give up their economic and social freedom for a relationship? I´m definitely not saying that they should. Only that they should be aware that a man who doesn´t get admired for his capacity and constant effort is less prone to get into a long-term relationship. It makes sense from a masculine point of view, since he doesn´t get loved and admired for his masculinity.


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@meyes Yes, this makes sense for her but only the part about being very independent.

She is gay, so the parts you wrote about heteronormative male/female dynamics doesn't align.

It would be interesting for me to hear how you would put this information if you were talking to a female client who dates women. Might be a fun exercise to expand the realm of possibilities of relational dynamics you may encounter in reading for others. 

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@rhiannon I think it´s the same; in that position it must mean, I think, that she´s so strong in herself that she lacks motivation to be in a relationship. To some degree, it´s just a "going against"-factor, not a prohibition. 

But I agree that it´s a dilemma sometimes to read those factors for gay people. I remember Ernst´s advice in the cards course to start by asking: "If you have to choose, what would you prefer: to be loved for who you are or for what you do?" As a clue for how you are geared.

When it comes to reading Jupiter and Venus as caracas for the partner... I just don´t know how to do that for gay persons, do you?



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@meyes I have not put it into practice yet, but I learned this from Karen White: 


"...when I do relationship readings for my gay and lesbian clients. Every gay client I’ve had has always been able to tell me who they think is the masculine and feminine energy person in the relationship. I ask a few questions based on the description of what the masculine energy person does and brings to relationships and what the feminine energy person does and brings to the relationship from the work of Dr. Pat Allen. 
She has a book that so clearly describes and explains how these two energies work that I often recommend the book to all of my clients who come for relationship readings, both gay and straight. The book is Getting to ‘I Do’ by Dr. Patricia Allen. 
In natal readings, I’ll look at Venus for relationship in general, and depending on who is the male or female predominant energy is, I’ll look at Jupiter. What I rely on most, however, is the Darakaraka, the 7th house and 7th house lord in the D1 and the D9 for gay/lesbian clients. And, of course, the usual relationship capacity stuff. Relationship yogas can sometimes almost completely explain an issue the couple is having too.
When I do a relationship Horary question chart, then I use the 1st lord for the person asking, the 7th lord for the person asked about, and then I look at the receptions to see if Venus (for the female) and the Sun (for the male) are in play also through the receptions (how the 1/7th lords “feel" about Venus and the Sun through their dignities). 
I have to know if there are any third parties involved too, and often the receptions and/or physical description of the third party is easily seen in the horary..
Astrology is wonderful for understanding what the other person is going through, what their basic orientation to life is (the AK), what they’re here to do, what they’ve suffered, etc., that clients almost always go away from the reading more in love with their partner than they were before. Straight or gay." - Karen White 
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@rhiannon  Wow, wonderful!

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... or from a more feminine point of view: She´s so independent and strong in herself that she probably lacks the motivation deep inside to actually be in a relationship.

Simply said: she doesn´t need a man.

As is often the case in our days.


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