4 of Diamonds as th...
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4 of Diamonds as the outcome card

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Hi Everyone,

I've decided to try my hand at card casting with a "Light On A Star" spread with a close friend of mine.

Her question is "what is the status is of my relationship with X"

This person is someone she has deep feelings for and the feelings were mutual. However, he was already in a relationship when they met. As a result, neither was brave enough to make the first move. When she gathered the courage to tell him her feelings, he told her that he couldn't get in to a relationship because he had been involved with his partner for many years and was now engaged." They haven't spoken in a few years but they ended things on good terms and she still feels the same way about him.

I personally read cards a bit differently then Ernst does in that I don't read face cards in reverse. So for example, I read the Upside down Jack of Clubs in the "should do position" as a 10 of Clubs. And the Upside down 9's as 8's.

My question is about the 4 of Diamonds outcome card. In my eyes, this is a positive card showing that this relationship can be invested in and matured if both parties are willing to put in the work. Especially with the 8 of Diamonds in the going for you position. 

I'd love to hear others' opinions on this spread and whether or not my interpretation is on the right track. I've attached an image of the spread. 

Edit: I'm open to all styles of interpretation 🙂


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So many Diamonds! I´d love to try to read the spread but get confused by your rules for reversed cards. Therefore I think it´s better for me to stay away from it.

But the first card, speaking of a newness of some kind and the Diamond found in the outcome card seem to indicate that there is a value in their relationship. Does it has to be on a matrimonial or erotic level, can´t they just be friends? The 9 of Hearts going against love in some way seems kind of absurd, but I think it may be an indication of letting go of the idea o becoming a couple; Vishnu is already with Vishnu... Your friend and the man can still be friends.



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@meyes Thank you for your insights! It's been very helpful ????

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The cards in numbers 4, 5, 6 are all reversed. There is not enough nourishing energy to make this situation go any further. The numbers 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8 are missing and the 9s are reversed. Hence the outcome card is the 4 of Diamonds, as in the situation is stable with no change forthcoming, at least in the near future.

With both 9s reversed, the 8s need to be befriended. With 8 of Hearts, emotional balance and maturity needs to found. With 8 of Diamonds, the love needs to be given where it will be appreciated and well received.

Ace of Diamonds being the Foundation Problem, it might be time for a fresh start.


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@manisha Thank you so much for your interpretation. This makes a lot of sense. I had a sneaking suspicion that the 4 of Diamonds outcome card could mean 'same old status quo' but I definitely needed the additional confirmation.

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@kam Yeah, good one, I agree on that interpretation. Value, but no development.

As for reverse reading I think that is something that depends on the rules defined prior the reading; if you don´t read them upside down normally, reverse doesn´t bring any information into the spread, I believe. It´s important to be clear towards oneself and the card in that sense, not changing from one reading style to another. I believe.


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@meyes I know what you mean. As a Libra I have a tendency to second guess my initial instinct. I sometimes feel more secure reaching out to a support system (Ace of Hearts, Rahu card) for confirmation of my feelings, during these instances.

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@kam  Rejection is always hard to deal with, especially when you know the other person has the same feelings. I think it happens to open us up to more love - you have all this love to give, but the person you are interested in does not want it, now what are you going to do with it? Will you shut down your heart, or will you pour it out to those who will receive it and appreciate it? And it doesn’t have to be another person - it can be giving the love to oneself, to a pet, to a new hobby, a group, a new job. There are so many different avenues from where love can bear fruits and rejuvenate us!

Matters of the heart, of course, are easier said than done. I hope your friend finds the strength to shift her focus and the peace that she deserves. If it is meant to be, he will return when the time is right. Then the ball will be in her court and she can judge the situation from a stronger stand-point.
