Upside down Jack of...
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Upside down Jack of Diamonds as a card representing situation

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Hi all, 

I'm doing my fist Light on a Star reading for a friend. The question is about the romantic relationship.

I'm struggling with understanding how upside-down Jack of Diamonds could represent a situation card in a relationship reading and how to interpret it.

How would you go about deciding when interpreting Jack of Diamonds as a person or when you would think it is more like a situation? 

To add context I have added the picture of the cards drawn (the only reversed court card is Jack of Diamonds, although it cannot be seen in the picture).

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Here's my interpretation, off the top of my head.

As the situation card, The upside down Jack of Diamonds may mean that the person in question doesn't feel that the other person in the relationship is worth spending their time with. Hope that helps 🙂

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@kam Thanks, it makes a lot of sense 🙂

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I haven’t read cards in a while, so it was fun having a look. Interesting reading.

Ernst says that an upside card represents that there is a block with the previous card. In this case, if that is about the 10 of Diamonds which represents mastery over the other pip cards in the suit, then it is pointing the block as the 9 of Diamonds as the action or lack of action card.

Personally, I would read any card as my own energy that brings in a reflection of the same. So, in this case, if I was reading for myself, I would say that the other person is not taking steps as a Jack of Diamonds because I am stuck at not finding the 9 of Diamonds in myself. That is causing the other person in not finding the 9 of Diamonds in me, and hence the card is coming up as a reverse card.

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@manisha Thank you, it is very helpful 🙂

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Just another spin...

J♦️ reversed situation - partner not ready for commitment

J♥️ now - they are currently in love

9♠️ near future - the relationship will survive only if all ego and control is put aside. It can also mean partners distancing or taking time apart for a reason or another

9♦️should do - should continue to give without expecting anything back, expenses (money, time) with no return, go with the flow

8♣️ goes against - spiritual connection and true friendship, or maybe some sort of mutual understanding that's always there, that is the reason why the relationship doesn't go official

2♥️ what helps the situation - beautiful feelings and connection can help and bring hope, it's partly why the J♥️ current situation is a pleasant one

7♥️ outcome - this relationship won't get better than it currently is, if pushing for commitment and wanting more, and not valuing it "as is", it will leave them dry, risking disappointment, getting hurt or even losing what they have.

Relationship wise, we would ideally want to see it grow, be sustained/maintained, fruitful, solid.

Though there are Jacks, and 2's in this spread, and also 7, 8, 9's, we are missing any Q, 4, 5 or 6's. To me, that means that though there is interest, and wonderful potential, and the first steps have been successfully taken, maybe it lacks maturity and care needed to make it sustainable and successful. 

My feelings are that if your friend is pushing towards commitment, then both partners must be ready to sacrifice and to be honest about everything this relationship is not/doesn't have, and be totally ok and in harmony whatever happens.

In my experience in manual casting, I have noticed when a J♦️is returned, there could be blockages at the Clubs level (7, 8, 9, 10, K). Sure enough, in this spread we do have an 8♣️ that is going against. It is possible that this couple is trying the stay strong by keeping things calm and smooth on the inside, so they don't have to deal with any hardships that come from outside. 

There are only 2 black cards here, 8♣️ that goes against , and 9♠️ the near future card. In a way that is nice, but on the other hand, each relationship needs Clubs - inspiration, plans and activities and also some hard active work for when things don't go as smooth in life. Again, we are seeing a 9♠️ - that is the card of doing nothing, or too little, too late, but it doesn't matter anymore, or separate from the ego, need time for self.

I see a relationship with lots of potential, but that is not solid, and that would take lots of resources to maintain, would require true giving without having an agenda of receiving back, which can be exhausting, but worth it. The best thing would be to just not ask for more, but to give more, and appreciate the amazing connection that has already formed, and be ok with that even it can't show it off to the world properly.

J♦️- situation- can also show lack of resources, and if that is the case, they would benefit from plans that would make them excited and for which they would be willing to perform sacrifices, just to finalize them, to work hard and be busy planning, to get a chance of gathering the resources necessary to start something solid. As this the second thing that popped to mind, only after writing the rest, I trust it less, intuition wise.

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That´s an amazing interpretation Mirela.

I´d just like to add one more thing. Can´t the upside down Jack of Diamond be about inmaturity, right off? It´s a child card, it´s the salesman, the charmer, the Casanova (that often is represented by the JH, but the JD has a similar quality; maybe more trying to sell a bright future than the JH). Upside down - obstacles. Meaning, in that case if I´m right: Inmaturity (JD) is in the way (upside down) for the relation to work out.

Would that be a correct way to interpret the upside down position? Would do you think Mirela (and others, of course).

