Hi, would someone be willing to explain what COT is? Or post a link to somewhere that explains this system?
I have poked around on the website and Youtube and I still don't understand much about it.
I know how to read Rider Waite tarot, is it similar? Would that previous tarot knowledge help if I were to decide to learn the COT system?
Thank you
If you search for Cartomancy, you will find more information. Cartomancy has been around for centuries, and some say from the time of the Magi. The Cards of Truth and many such systems are based on Cartomancy with a few modifications. It uses the normal deck of 52 playing cards, and is based on 52 number cycle. It uses numerology and represents the cycles of life as we see in nature and in our lives - spring followed by summer followed by autumn followed by winter followed by spring again.
Basically, every day of the year has a particular energy, similar to numerology. A person born on a particular day carries that energy. At the time of birth, the person is dealt a set of cards that they operate through their entire life (depending on the system it varies from 7 to 13). Every year, at their birthday, the person receives a new set of cards for that year that work in tandem with the original set of cards.
Since everything mirrors everything else in the Universe, the deck of cards too. So we see a return to the original set of cards on the 45th birthday, and you get a chance to restart life again - coincidental with the mid-point between Rahu-Ketu maturation.
Then you bring in the planets, and each card works under a planet. Different systems assign them differently. COT uses 13 cards after your Birth Card, and uses all the inner and outer planets along with Rahu and Ketu. On top of that, you place your personal planets into the cards where they fall according to your astrological chart, and you get to look into a different layer.
The tarot card system is similar and yet different. Tarot is based mostly on intuition and knowledge. Cartomancy used as a random spread will also be based on intuition and knowledge. But once you start adding personal planets to it, it becomes a blend of both intuition, knowledge and logic - at least that’s how it works for me.
Any previous knowledge and/or experience helps, and I find it just deepens the ability to penetrate different layers. Sometimes when I get stuck on the COT (I am still learning), I fall back on my knowledge of the tarot, and then make new connections.
Hope that helps.
Needed to add something else -
Since there are 365 days in the year, but only 52 cards, there are many people who would hold the same Birth Card. But what makes them different is how their personal planets fall in those cards.
Recently I saw this in action - two people who had the same Birth Card, but born in different months. They were like chalk and cheese. I only have the birth details of one person, so I couldn’t dive deep into how the differences manifested. That would have been interesting.
So, without the planets, the information would be more generic and based on intuition. Add the planets, and you are getting more specific and moving towards logic.
Did you have a look at the video on the homepage of CoT? It has been a while since I looked at it, and so it slipped my mind, but it might give you some additional information. You do not have to be subscribed to view that one.
I will check it out! Thanks