Card/suit key words
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Card/suit key words

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This is a stupid question, so I apologize in advance. I've heard Ernst mention several times about the key words for the numbers, i.e 5 is averted, 6 is fulfillment, 8 is good friend, that kind of thing. And keywords for the suits, I can't remember what examples he gave, maybe clubs was "adventure". So putting these together in a simple reading would be like 5 of Clubs= averted adventure, or 8 of clubs would be friend adventure. 


Now, my question is, are these key words listed anywhere? I can't find them in any of the manuals or booklets on the website, or even a video where Ernst goes through all the examples. 


Any help or direction would be AWESOME. 


Thank you. 

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@lucdyssegard Hi, there is a PDF manual in the Concrete and Practical Meanings of the Cards course, which has been compiled by Ernst. The PDF contains all the keywords for each suit as well as all the keywords for each individual card in the deck.

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Hey Kam,

Thanks for the reply, but I'm afraid that isn't so. Or at least its not what I'm talking about. Ernst talks about 5 meaning "averted", and 6 is "fulfillment". I am talking about just a single key word for each suit, and for each number. These are not listed anywhere that I have seen, I have only seen Ernst mention it in passing a few times.


If you have anymore info on this, that would be awesome. 


Thanks again for the reply. 

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There are so many layers to this and so many possibilities that the intuition really has to kick in during the reading, helping us to choose the right meaning.

Five is so much more than "adverted", honestly I don´t know if I would even use that concept other than for the fifth position in a CoT spread. I rather relate it to judgment and hard work for improvement. The black fives are related to the judgment card, and the image is a leaf looking for the best angle in relation to the Sun, so it´s about seeking truth. ("Adventure" is of course only one of many possible meanings for Clubs, but I guess that you just mentioned it as an example.)

If a Five of Clubs come up in a reading about let´s say a journey, depending on it´s position, rather then "averted" i´d probably say that there is going to be some testing (crisis) and/or change of plans. Not like: "It´s not going to happen."

With that said, from my personal experience having incarnated as a Five of Clubs, there seems to be some truth to the example you gave. I´m a Five of Clubs living abroad and I guess one could say that I have had an unusually adventurous life. But at the same time I´m not actively look for them and rather I turn down most invitations of that kind. Then I stumble into others...

As for your question about the list: Well, you have the arcana cards related to each number and colour listed, you have the symbols and nature and you have the meaning of the numbers. Plus the concrete meanings list, but I recommend you to take that with a grain of salt. Often it´s better to let the intuition work based on the general and abstract meanings, and maybe out of that envision the concrete thing that the card may indicate. The concrete meanings list may be limiting, making one to believe that it has to be something that´s on the list. It´s the kind of information that one should integrate and then forget, I believe. Like read it, burn it...

Other than that... I don´t think I understand what it is that you don´t find in the manual?


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I´m guess what I´m trying to say is that "averted" rather means obstacles and struggles, also change, than "denied".

And that we have a big pool of symbolism to derive meaning from. The numerology is just one of them. The arcana cards and the symbols of nature are equally important. If you have an abstract and mathemathical mind perhaps you can derive meaning from the geometry as well. The planets related to each number can also help us to gain insights.

