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Cards Deck Sum and Jokers

1 Posts
1 Users
Amit Bhat
Posts: 768
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Noble Member
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Ernst 

Sum of all cards of a deck is 364 considering J as 11 Q as 12 and K as 13.

One number is still missing to make it to 365 for a regular year and 2 missing for a leap year.

Also each deck has 2 jokers normally, can it be each joker is 1 number and that during a regular year we can use one joker too in the deck and in a leap year we can use two jokers. And if jokers come in a spread, they will act like any number required. Like 10 can make up for any number for that suit while joker will act more universally and make up for any number for any suit?

Thank you 



