Mother's death
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Mother's death

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Well, she was running 7 of Spades on that day. A death card, as you say. At 4 PM when you say she passed away she was running AS, another card with a death connotation.

-6th cusp in that card indicating health problems, probably also doctors and such.

- Her 6S Rahu card is working in that card, which I guess would be obstructions to her health. 6S is health, but since it´s Rahu it would probably mean struggling with that. Even if she was older and would be more on top of her Rahu; but still.

- Uranus is there, 9S, the dying tree.

- Ruling Mars is exalted in Capricorn. A better than worse Mars; it´s also starved by Saturn. Indicating a rather harmonious passing away, perhaps?

- Death inflicting 7th and 8th cusps with the card´s ruler Mars.

- Lagna in KD. 7D is a death card; KD vibrates in that energy too. King=sacrifice, giving up something; Diamond=body. The traditional death King is KS of course, but I´d say there is a similar connotation to the KD, since diamonds is earth = body.

- 9S on the Uranus makes me think that your mother was ready to leave. The hermit card, the letting go card, on a position that means: "this is truly who I am".

So how was your mother´s passing away? I get the impression that she left rather harmoniously? (If you want to tell.)


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As for your spread - and let me tell you that I´m honoured to be asked about my understanding of these things - you run 2 Clubs at the moment for your mother´s death. If you run the same time, that is.

Your lagna falls in that card, indicating a deeper connection with the event of course.

- 2 of Clubs with the 8th cusps - gaining insights about the deep secrets of life. Did you see the Temple Grandin-movie? "Where do they go?" (when they die...)

- Rahu is also there, 9H - resistence to see the divine meaning of the event perhaps?

- Uranus KC - you are on top of yourself, you understand what´s happening and accept the loss.

- It´s lord Mars is exalted in a rather wonderful 7C Saturn card with Saturn in it, helping you to process the event and accept the loss. A seven in the seventh card; the strongest indication of great capacity for acceptance that there is, perhaps. Especially with Saturn falling in that card.

- Interesting influences by the outer planets in that card; Neptune: 10C; complete understanding with an emotional quality to it, but also Pluto: 10H; meaning basically grief.

- 12th cusp in that card; losses; also liberation.

- Mars is also one of the natural karakas for mother.

- The Moon - the other natural karaka for mother - is in the QH Jupiter Card. And so is your MatraKaraka (for mother) Mercury. I might fly to0 high now, I admit, but the 5th position is an averted position. QH is the mother card. So "mother averted". 9th cusp is there, the philosophy cusp. "God speaking to you." You gaining wisdom through this event?

- King of Heart ruling the moment before your mother´s death. Maybe you went through a process of acceptance during that time?


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It would have been neat to have had the 3rd cusp involved in some way, since it´s an indication for a parent´s death. I don´t see that though. Only that it´s ruler falls in the mother´s card, but that doesn´t trigger it.

But I think that the numerological relation between the card it´s falling in - JC - and the card before, for the period when you mother actually died, 2C, may tie them together enough to say that the two time periods were one and the same. We´d have to ask Ernst about that.


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