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cards and calculations

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Another question about the bhavat bhavam-like idea of the third card of the third suite being important, and the third from that…

Do you have a way to work it backwards like you can with bhavat bhavam (like 6th is 12th from 7th)?

If so, what would the 3d be to the 4d?  

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Another good online resource for older books on the occult is

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It is cool how CoT has added planetary rulership to card spread.

In a similar vein of extending the system, I have been wondering about correspondence of planetary degrees to a day card -- could we get a card for each planet? This could also apply to house cusps.

My idea is to calculate a solar-equivalent day for any zodiacal point:

Find the vernal equinox of the birth year, then precess the sun until it matches the given degree. If the time is before sunrise (degree is between the ascendant and IC), then subtract one day. Finally, take the day card for this date.

Does that make logical sense?

I managed to program this idea with my software library just now... (it's fun, I have made a sort of astrological lego kit for such things 🤓)
Here is what I calculated for my own natal chart:

 :SO=>["17º Tau 38'", {"May  8"=>{:time_lord=>"♦J", :janma=>"♥4", :SO=>"♥4"}}],
 :MO=>[" 8º Lib 48'", {"Oct  2"=>{:time_lord=>"♦7", :janma=>"♠5", :MO=>"♥J"}}],
 :ME=>["26º Ari 31'", {"Apr 17"=>{:time_lord=>"♦4", :janma=>"♠2", :ME=>"♣6"}}],
 :VE=>["18º Ari 53'", {"Apr  9"=>{:time_lord=>"♦Q", :janma=>"♥5", :VE=>"♥9"}}],
 :MA=>["24º Ari 27'", {"Apr 15"=>{:time_lord=>"♦6", :janma=>"♠4", :MA=>"♥A"}}],
 :JU=>[" 1º Leo 51'", {"Jul 25"=>{:time_lord=>"♣3", :janma=>"♠3", :JU=>"♣J"}}],
 :SA=>[" 7º Vir  5'", {"Aug 30"=>{:time_lord=>"♥9", :janma=>"♣7", :SA=>"♣2"}}],
 :NN=>["14º Vir 27'", {"Sep  7"=>{:time_lord=>"♦4", :janma=>"♠2", :NN=>"♠K"}}],
 :SN=>["14º Pis 27'", {"Mar  4"=>{:time_lord=>"♠6", :janma=>"♥Q", :SN=>"♣5"}}],
 :UR=>["19º Sco  3'", {"Nov 11"=>{:time_lord=>"♣9", :janma=>"♠9", :UR=>"♦6"}}],
 :NE=>["19º Sag 57'", {"Dec 12"=>{:time_lord=>"♣6", :janma=>"♠6", :NE=>"♦3"}}],
 :PL=>["17º Lib  3'", {"Oct 11"=>{:time_lord=>"♣J", :janma=>"♦9", :PL=>"♥Q"}}]

If anyone wants to try it, provide me with natal data and I can make the calculations for you. I'm curious to see if it is meaningful, and you all are much more skilled with such interpretations!


PS a further idea I just had is to take each day card as the time lord, but then offset it in the quadration sequence. (I have updated the above table to match, but on second thought perhaps this is too complex/arbitrary...)

However there are several options for this:

  1. Do we pick the Sun/Janma card (offset=1) as equivalent since we are using the sun as proxy? (this seems most logically consistent to me)
  2. Or do we take offset=2 for the moon, etc. depending on the planet? This in turn would dependent on the sequence of the cards:
    1. Chaldean day ruler order (Su/Mo/Ma/Me/Ju/Ve/Sa)
    2. Alternative "velocity" ordering of Su/Mo/Me/Ve/Ma/Ju/Sa (the one I am currently leaning towards, in my own relationship with the cards)
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@staffan any thoughts on this idea please?

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Posts: 792

@dflow Not my type of understanding, I couldn´t say. Plus I´ve left the forum.


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

sorry, here it 



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Eminent Member
Posts: 20

thanks for trying. link still not working for me... gives "page not found"

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Its working now. 

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