Ketu Moon conjuncti...
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Ketu Moon conjunction

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Ernst Wilhelm
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YEs, that can work, but success always has to do with the individual charts, so how long t hey can maintain this good thing or whether they can keep it always depends on their charts. 

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Do men use female planets in a different way than women might?

So in this case, would the man whose Venus is conjunct the woman’s Ketu leave the relationship before the woman whose Moon is conjunct the man’s Ketu, given the orbs are same as a hypothetical example?

I might be splitting hairs here, but I am also looking into the innate behavioural differences between men and women.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
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no, I would not predict that. 

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Thank you.

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It is such a shame. If we can go back to Ketu after sorting out Rahu, why can’t we get back our Ketu conjunctions with others? I can understand it on a grander scale, but on an individual level when living in the material world, it’s not fair. Makes me want to lead a mutiny against the Gods ???? ???? ???? 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
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Its not a shame, the ketu planets we reap those planets and then when its reaped, its time to see what new has developed in the relationship. 

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That makes sense. Thanks. 

Most of my life has felt like a joke as most of the people in my life has got some Ketu conjunction going, either with my 7th house Cancer Ketu or with my Moon. Intense connections that go nowhere, some hurtful, but always teach a lot, send me into internal processing and open me up to new ways of being. Now, I see how my Venus card is playing out. 

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What about a man's ketu in the 5th and woman's moon in the 5? Same ascendant. Is the moon ketu synastry lasting? She wants fun adventure and babies- will this man be able to have kids or want kids ? 

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