Marriage Question
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Marriage Question

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even so I just finished the nakshatra course and the basic courses, I was examining a chart where the man has a Venus in 8th tara, Venus is also the 7th house Lord and Venuses Nakshatra Lord is the Moons so jamna Nakshatra. They have 20.5 Points in Kuja report. Jupiter is exalted in D7, Venus is neutral in D9, Jupiter is Darakaraka db in Capricorn but 105% Shadbala, 7th Lord Venus has Shadbala 135% but is combust in Gemini. I dont know if I am missing critical information but I would not predict unfaithfullness in this chart but it happened ob both sides and even though they stayed together it is a rather quarrelsome marriage which I cannot see in this chart. Can someone clarify?


Greetings, Loris

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Raju Kuta perhaps?



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Also Venus is Neutral in D9, so sleepy avastha. Good "half the times" as Ernst says; half the times it would let an affair slip through I guess.  Maybe if you show us the chart? We don´t know the LA:s nor in what rasis the planets are placed, so it´s hard to say much about it.


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What is Raju Kuta? ... Here it is.

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@loris Lord of the 7th and 12th in the 8th is a recipe for affairs.  8th breaks the bond with the 7th, 12th does it out of sight or in far away places.  Then it's Venus conjunct the Sun which I feel is quite like the Strength card in Tarot and the Lust card in Thoth deck, so that lusty chasing after glittering shiny external things (Venus starving Sun and Sun irritating Venus) disturbs the union.  

Also in D9, 7th lord in the 5th makes one get infatuated and fall in love a lot so that is an internal driver and the above mentioned rasi placement makes a platform for it to manifest. 

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@loris   Rajju Kuta is part of the Kuta report. Severe hindrance of some type.

One thing that strikes me: He´s 7th lord Venus is agitated by the Sun in the 8th. Venus with the Sun makes us intolerant towards our partners or spouses, wanting them to be like we are. Like a vegetarian having a hard time excepting the meat eating habit of their partner. Everything in the 8th house is hidden, so the person might be unaware about that nagging feeling of irritation against his fiancee or wife, whichever it was. 8th house break things and is full of surprises; Venus is the relationship, so I´d say that might be what causes the affairs.

PS. I just saw that Quasar had already given this explanation. Well, I add the detail that there is a harmful, especially towards relationships, avastha in the 8th, that is hidden there, so that the person might not be aware about having that feeling at all. Also Jupiter is delighting Saturn, making it almost joyful to this person giving up something valuable; maybe that may play some minor role in this too. Plus DK Jupiter - if I read the numbers right - is DB and starved by Saturn, so the person may nor have the capacity or wisdom to take responsability of a relationship, or being responsable for other people at all (2nd house ruled by Jupiter), nor for children (5th), but also not see any deeper purpose in doing it though to the bad lajj. avastha.


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Also it´s the natural karaka for relationships Venus that is in the 8th, so that planet causes troubles both as the lord of the 7th and for being Venus. Then the ruler is Mercury that goes into the marriage, 9th. So the secrets of the 8th connect the 7th (the partner) as well as the marriage (9th).


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@staffan that, my friend, is a spot on reading, he left his girlfriend and 5 year old son for this woman, allthough they remained very friendly. Maybe this is where Venus in 8th Tara comes into play.

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@loris Again we see how a planet (in this case Jupiter) is doomed in several roles at the same time: as the natural karaka for children, as spouse indicator due to degree in the chart  (DK) and as the Lord of the 2nd and the 5th. Three points pointing in the same direction.

Now, remind me, why would Venus in the 8th Tara be a bad thing? As I remember it it´s the 3rd, 5th and 7th that causes problem, or am I wrong?


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@staffan no, I mean it may indicate that despite these unfortunate events, good contact remained to th child and the mother and later the marriage was kept. Because Ernst said when you dont have exact time you can make good readings with just the Tara lords, but both the 7th house Lord Venus and the Karaka for the Wife is Venus which is in 8th Tara so reading just that you would propably precit very great marriage, allthough i left out the really in dept analysation of the nakshatras, but yeaj now seeing the hole chart and getting the explanation it makes sense also including the nakshatras

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@loris Now I get what you mean. Sounds like a reasonable explanation to me.


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Also Saturn is the 3rd and 4th Lord, in OH and delighted by Venus. 3rd house: friends. 4th house: emotional basis. Jupiter is in the house of friends. So he works well as a friend, even if he fails as a husband and father. A friendly ex one could say.


Ernst Wilhelm
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The affairs happening will be very clear if the entire chart is read. 

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Allright, thanks for that, I will then hold my horses until I am fully educated 😊 
