Is it possible to say something about a couple with the same Rahu/Ketu positions (same lagna, therefore same houses and signs), whether it is an indication of incompatibility or compatibilty? Or does this primarily depend on other influences in the chart?
Thanks a lot!
I haven't done the compatibility course, but from the report in Kala it seems that other factors are more important. The Nodes are in the same sign for approximately 18 months if I remember correctly, so that applies to a lot of people :). If you date someone roughly your age, chances are pretty high, you'll have the same position by sign.
Similiar nodes indicate a strong affinity. HOwever, it also indicates similar weaknesses. When nodes are differnet, when one person drops the ball, the other can pick it up. For example, in a relationship that I saw the two people's nodes made them both not believe in love. So when things got hard, they both immediately withdrew, sometimes for 2-3 months! They had a very strong affinity for each other, however, and so really liked each other and suffered a lot of pain. They both ended up with a person whose nodes made them cling to another in hard time, being alone did not feel like an option, so when things got hard, one person would withdraw, but the other would hold on and so they were able to stumble through life together without periods of separation.
I also saw a case where both people were withdrawers - rahu closest to the 7th, when it got tough in a relationship, but they both had a strong ketu that needed to do the right thing and so when they wanted to withdraw, they also wanted to do the right thing, and so they were able to stay connected as well. There were not able to do this with other withdrawers who did not have as strong a need to do the right thing - so here is a case where they both had something similar to make them try harder and they both had something similar that made them want to withdraw, and the try harder won out.