Reading Etiquette
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Reading Etiquette

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Hello Forum Members,

Recently I read a chart for a woman who then wanted me to do a reading for husband. However, her husband did not want his chart read, but she still wanted me to do his chart. So, she recently emailed and said she has to find the time when she can discreetly find his birth info to then send it. I decided to say no to giving a reading, for her, regarding her husbands horoscope. 

Have any of you done readings for people who 'secretly' have readings done for the spouse or child ect? When do you think this is appropriate? I think for children, it is fine if the parent wants to know about their child. Perhaps this is a case by case situation, but a astrology chart is quite intimate energetically. 

What about couples? Where one partner wants a compatibility reading but the other partner does not care for it or perhaps doesn't want it at all? I think compatibility might be a bit different because the energy of both people are there and it seems like the reading is based on the overall relationship as a whole rather than discreetly tuning into a chart of somebody who does not want their chart read? 



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I agree with you on all your points. Personally, I would think that if a patient is allowed to keep their medical records secret from their family, it should be the same in any other field. I would also think that a person also then has ‘reasons’ to point fingers at others instead of working on themselves.

That is only my personal viewpoint and what I would be comfortable doing if I was to do readings. I am sure others do it differently.

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This is just my opinion. If you read someone chart and that person does not give the permission there are a couple of problems such as disclosure, confidentiality and invasion of privacy. I think our birth dates are like our social security numbers. The individual has the right to disclose that information when they think it is appropriate to do so. The lady knows that her husband did not want his chart read yet she went ahead and provide you with his birth date. That tells me there is a boundary issue with her and lack of respect for his privacy as well as disclosing confidential information when she is not given a permission to do so. There might be a legal implication here...Suffice to say one spouse most likely is not going to sue another spouse, but we live in a very legalistic environment so i would be a bit careful....

As for children, i think when they turn 18 then if you want their chart read, you need their permission. A knew of an astrologist and he refuses to read someone else chart (another adult) unless he has the permission from the other adult to do so, and i have always thought that is the right thing to do.



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Also when i am not sure of something i put myself in the other's person shoes. If i were the husband i would be very upset that my spouse did this behind my back. Granted the husband might never find out, but that is irrelevant....



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Hi @Scott-M-19,

Ideally, I kindly request a permission, a letter of consent email sent by the 3rd party. I choose to believe, if the client who is secretly asking, might be writing that letter themselves to fool me, then it is now their responsibility with a possibility of bad karma created for both of us.
A couple of times, I received requests from clients for a reading as a gift to their friends. Most of the times, they had given me their emails so that the reading is directly sent to the 3rd party without the client having any access to it.
Sometimes, it might be functional to have the information of the 3rd party, say the husband’s, when checking for the number of children. Then what to do?
What about the consent of famous people, especially those important people in history, would they agree that we study and analyze their horoscopes?
I agree with what Manisha and Tuyet are saying. They should be focusing on themselves.

Practically, it could be too theoretical to say do this and don’t do that. Each connection has a reason as we all know, and it could be nice to react with respect to as it comes from the heart. 🙂

Thank you


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