D12/Dwadasamsa and ...
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D12/Dwadasamsa and understanding ancestors/past lives?

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(@Anonymous 22854)
Joined: 3 years ago

In the Dwadasamsa (D12) chart, i've been watching a couple videos and how it can show ancestors karma/pasts lives.

I'm looking to understand the correct way to interpret the D12. Some videos said to pay close attention
to the 12th bhava and where Ketu is placed in the D12 to understand the ancestors karma/past lives more.

If 12th Bhava(Rasi is Gemini) lord mercury sits in the 4th bhava (rasi is Libre)
and Ketu sits in 8th bhava (Rasi Aquarius)/Rahu in 2nd bhava (Rasi Leo) then what concrete conclusions can be made, specifically about the ancestors karma/or past lives of the individual ?

I also have a question about Kala software concerning the D12 chart and finding the Lord/Deities, as I don't see it listed.

For example by Deity/lord in D12 I mean: Haya, Genesa etc...

If its possible to see this how do I enable that function? I looked around in setting but did not see it. 


Thank You 🙂

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6 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

You can see the dvadasamsa deities by clicking on the small square in teh center of the chart. There are many things like this in kala that you can learn if you read the owners manual under the help menu. 

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(@Anonymous 22854)
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Posts: 16



Thank You Ernst

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@ernst That reminds me; I don't have Kala right now because of my OS, but does the tropical Krittika ayanamsa also allow the D27 nakshatramsha deities to start with Agni instead of the Ashwins?

I think those of us who want to experiment with the Krittika ayanamsha could also test the natives qualities of strengths as they relate to the D27 nakshatra deities tropically starting with Krittika's deity.



Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

I wont be programming that at this time. It needs to be researched, you can easily just add two nakshatras to what is given.  

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@ernst Thanks. I hadn't thought of that.

I am researching and experimenting with that scheme in other ways currently.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

let us know what you come up with. 
